- A. He glanced round the room before he left. B. He quickly looked round the room be- fore he left. 他在离开以前迅速扫视一下房间。
- She glanced round the room before she left. 她略微环视了一下房间才离开。
- He glanced round the room. 他环视了一下房间。
- He glanced round the conference room. 他扫视了一下会议室。
- I glanced round the room. 我向室内迅速环视一下。
- He glanced round, and rose to his feet. 他向周围扫了一眼, 然后站起来走了。
- He litters cigarette ends round the room. 他在屋内到处乱丢烟头。
- He drew out the wire so that it can round the room. 他把电线拉长,以便绕屋一周。
- The teacher glanced round the classroom. 老师环视了下教室。
- The books were scattered round the room any old how. 屋里到处乱放著书。
- He glanced round to make sure that the audience were ready to hear his speech. 他向四周环视以确定听众已准备好听他讲演。
- With a rueful smile on his lips, Tu Wei-yueh glanced round the room and began: 屠维岳冷冷地微笑着,瞥了众人一眼,就先说话:
- With a rueful smile on his lips, Tu Wei-yueh glanced round the room and began 屠维岳冷冷地微笑着,瞥了众人一眼,就先说话
- They strung up coloured lights round the room. 他们在房间的四壁挂起彩灯。
- The dancers whirled round the room. 舞蹈者绕室旋转。
- She danced the little child round the room. 她逗得小孩满屋蹦蹦跳跳.
- "That creature-of all the nerve-" she prowled round the room like an angry leopard. "那个人,真是厚颜无耻。"她像一只饿豹绕着这个房间来回地走着。
- He poked his head round the door to see if she was in the room. 他在门口探一下头,看她是否在屋里。
- The actor glanced round the audience and spotted his wife in the third row. 这位演员环顾了一下观众,看到他的妻子坐在第三排。
- She looked all round the room, and I knew she knew everything in it had been got on the nod. 她朝房间四下看看,我知道她明白房内每件东西都是赊购来的。