- He gladly agrees. 他欣然同意。
- He gladly accepted their invitation. 他欣然接受了他们的邀请。
- He gladly consented to the extension of the loan. 他很乐意地同意延长贷款偿还期。
- By art he gladly found what he did seek. 艺术使他愉快地找到他的理想。
- He gladly complied with my request. 他欣然同意我的要求。
- She asked for his help which he gladly gave. 她要求他帮忙,他愉快地帮助了她。
- He gladly acknowledged himself to be in the 'wrong. 他欣然认错。
- He gladly accepted the offer to teach at the school. 他高兴地接受了那所学校任教的请求。
- He gladly offered to serve the warrant to Robin Hood. 他向郡长自告奋勇把逮捕令传给罗宾汉。
- The boss gladly agreed to my request. 老板欣然同意了我的请求。
- He gladly showed it to me; I admired it and asked him to tell me all about how it happened to be drawn. 他很高兴的取出来给我看,我表示羡慕、赞美,同时请他告诉我,开出这张支票的经过情形。
- He gladly allied his world to the Republic, and handed to Yoda a ceremonial sword of Toydaria. 他高兴地将自己的星球和共和国结盟,并把一柄托伊达里亚的仪式剑交给了尤达。
- M. told Iswar Chandra of Sri Ramakrishna's wish, and the pundit gladly agreed that M. should bring the Master, some Saturday afternoon at four o'clock. 把师父的愿望告诉了维德雅瑟格,这位梵文学者高兴地同意M在某个星期六下午四点把室利罗摩克里希纳带来。
- He had formerly been a pruner of trees, and he gladly found himself a gardener once more. 他从前当过修树枝工人,当个园丁正符合他的愿望。
- Carey Ashburn looked unhappy, for it was obvious that he, too, disliked Rhett intensely. He gladly would have sided with the doctor but he could not lie. 可凯里 - 阿什伯恩显得并不怎么高兴,因为他明明很不喜欢瑞德,他十分愿意站在米德大夫一边,可是又不能说假话。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- "My person, my purse, my extreme means," he gladly offers to Bassanio with an unstinting generosity that does not flag when he is finally threatened with death. 他对巴萨尼奥的爱护是文学作品中最崇高的友情之一,“我本人,我的钱包,我的一切力量,”他都很乐意地奉与巴萨尼奥,他的毫无余地的慷慨精神即使当他面临死亡时,都不减半分。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。