- He gives a forced smile. 他强挤笑容。
- He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。
- Did he give a yes or a no to your idea? 他对你的想法表示赞成还是反对?
- She hid her concern with a forced smile. 她强颜欢笑以掩饰内心的忧虑。
- At the meeting he give a sketch of recent happenings. 会上他简述了最近发生的事件。
- He gave a shy smile and a little twist of his head. 他羞怯地笑了笑,略微扭了一下头。
- He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend. 他送给女友一束花。
- He gave a radiant smile when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息后露出欣喜的微笑。
- He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question. 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。
- He gives a very good recipe for cakes. 他传授了非常好的糕饼制法。
- He gave a scornful laugh at my proposal. 他对我的建议轻蔑地一笑。
- He gave a loud whistle of gladness. 他吹了一声响亮的口号表示高兴。
- He gave a quick pull on the rope. 他很快地拉了一下绳子。
- He gave a stagger on hearing the news. 他听到这一消息两腿摇晃起来。
- He gave a strong pull at the rope. 他用力拉了拉绳子。
- We cannot hide behind a mask, or in the silence of a room, or behind a forced smile. 我们不能戴假面具掩饰,或静静躲在房子里,或强装笑脸。
- He gave a lame excuse for being absent. 他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。
- He gave a cold-blooded account of the accident. 他冷静地叙述了这一事故。
- My wife, who knew herself to be the cause, strove to hide her concern with a forced smile and an air of assurance, which I was willing to reprove. 我女人知道这事由她而起,于是勉强微笑,故作冷静,遮掩她心理上的难受。我却不以为然。
- He gave a summary report of the day's events. 他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。