- He forced his way through the crowd. 他从人群中挤过去。
- He forced his way from a humble origin to an exalted position. 他丛微贱中奋斗而达到高位。
- He forced his way in. 他勉强进出。
- He wormed his way in under the wire. 他从铁丝网下蜿蜒而入。
- He had to thrust his way in through the crowd. 他不得不从人群中挤进去。
- The man tried three more times to force his way in and then began firing through the door, she said. 这个男人多次尝试进入未果,接着对门扫击。
- He always gets his way in the end. 他总是为所欲为。
- He forced his ideas upon the group. 他把自己的意见强加给别人
- He felt his way in the darkness. 他在黑暗中摸索着前进。
- But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart. 但是当他正要行动时,他忽然改变了心意。
- He forced his horse on through the storm. 他迫使马在暴风雨中前进。
- He forced his opponent to back down. 他迫使对手让步。
- He will make his way in the future. 他将来一定会有所成就的。
- He forced his son to attend the ceremony. 他强迫他儿子参加这个仪式。
- The burglar forced his way in. 夜盗破门而入。
- He forced his thralls into hard labour. 他逼迫他的奴隶们干苦役。
- He forced his will on them by the cat o'nine tails. 他用九尾鞭的刑罚把他自己的意志强加在他们身上。
- He 'll have no difficulty in making his way in the world. 他要出人头地是没有什么困难的。
- He doesn't have the determination to make his way in the world. 他没有努力上进的决心。
- He forced his grip to relax, slowly uncurling each finger. 他强迫了他的紧握放松,慢慢地不捲曲每根手指。