- He feels pleased with himself. 他对自己很满意。
- His book was now a bestseller. He felt pleased with the world. 他的书成了畅销书,他对一切都满意了。
- He reached the bottom without making any noise, and he felt very pleased with himself. 滑到楼底没有发出一点声响,他感到很满意。
- He is always pleased with himself. 他总是自鸣得意。
- He is very pleased with himself. 他心里美滋滋的。
- He is mighty pleased with himself. 他非常自满。
- He was a trifle more pleased with himself. 他稍微有些得意忘形。
- He's mighty pleased with himself. 他洋洋得意.
- He was looking very pleased with himself. 他显得沾沾自喜。
- He sauntered by looking very pleased with himself. 他漫步闲逛悠然自得。
- He sauntered by, looking very pleased with himself. 他漫步闲逛, 悠然自得。
- He swaggered into the room looking very pleased with himself. 他神气十足地走进房间,一副自鸣得意的样子。
- He was so pleased with himself for this that he smiled. 做完了这些,他非常高兴,脸上不由得露出笑容。
- Adrian : Samson looks very pleased with himself. 亚德安:参孙看起来对他自己很满意哩。
- He looks rather pleased with himself,ie pleased with what he has done. 他看起来对自己做的事颇为得意。
- When he was pleased with himself, he permitted himself a pinch of snuff. 得意的时候他只闻一点鼻烟。
- On the one hand, we have enough reason to feel pleased with our progress. On the other hand, we mustnt get complacent. 一方面;我们由足够的理由为我们的进步而感到高兴;另一方面我们也不能骄傲自满.
- He felt dissatisfied with what he had written, with himself, with everything. 他对于刚写的文章,对于他自己,对于一切,都觉得不满。
- He looks rather pleased with himself, ie pleased with what he has done. 他看起来对自己做的事颇为得意。
- When he saw his two new donkeys, he smiled as if pleased with himself. 当他看到他的两头新驴子,他微笑着仿佛对自己很满意。