- He fanned the fire to make it burn better. 他煽了煽火让它旺起来。
- We fanned the fire to make it burn brighter. 我们把炉火扇得更旺。
- He fanned the fire. 他用扇子扇火。
- He fanned the second time, a wind was rising. 又扇一些,清风即起。
- He fanned the fire . 他掮风助火。
- The batter tried to hit a home run, but he fanned the breeze. 那击球手本想打出个本垒打,却挥了个空棒,没有打着。
- He fanned the Lower House into a blazeof resentment. 他激起了下院的愤怒。
- He fanned the Lower House into a blaze of resentment. 他激起了下院的愤怒。
- The batter tried to hit a home run,but he fanned the breeze. 那击球手本想打出个本垒打,却挥了个空棒,没有打着。
- He fanned out the card in his hand. 他把牌在手上展成扇形。
- Monkey King fanned the mountain and the fire was put out immediately. 大圣朝那大山一扇,火焰即灭。
- The fire blazed up when he poured petrol on it. 他浇上汽油火就熊熊地燃烧起来了。
- He is poking the fire with a poker. 他正用通条捅火。
- He fanned (out) the cards in his hand before playing. 他出牌前先把纸牌在手里展成扇形。
- He planted himself in a chair by the fire. 他一屁股坐在火炉旁的一把椅子上。
- From its nest the bird flew down and fanned the embers with its wings. The bird was very close to the fire and the heat turned the birds feathers red. 鸟从它的巢中飞下来,用翅膀扇着火的灰烬。小鸟靠火堆太近了,以致于鸟的羽毛被灼成了红色。
- He sat there blinking at the fire in the stove. 他坐在那儿眨着眼看炉子里的火焰。
- He added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。
- He can claim against the fire insurance. 根据火灾保险合同,他能有权要求一笔钱。
- He put a shovel of coal on to the fire. 他往火炉里加了一铲煤。