- He dropped his voice for fear be might be overheard. 他放低了声音,唯恐被别人听见。
- He dropped his voice to a whisper. 他的声音降低成耳语。
- He dropped his voice to a whisper . 他的声音降低成耳语。
- As Wang Ho-fu said this, he dropped his voice until - it was scarcely audible. 王和甫说这话时,声音细到就像蚊子叫。
- He dropped his voice even lower: To drive out the Tartar.Full restoration guaranteed. 压低了声音,道:“有个名目,叫作‘去清复明膏药’。”
- He dropped his voice. 他压低了声音。
- The boxer led with the chin when he dropped his guard as he moved forward. 这个拳击手向前进攻时,失去警惕,露弱弱点而遭到对方攻击。
- He dropped his eyes on a simple little girl. 他居然肯垂青于一个普通的小姑娘。
- He dropped his head and stared at his plate. 他低下头凝视盘子。
- He dropped his pen on the ground. 他把钢笔掉在了地上。
- He dropped his voice for fear be might be overheard 他放低了声音,唯恐被别人听见。
- But in Paris he dropped his medical studies. 但是在巴黎,他放弃了学医。
- He dropped his glass on the floor and broke it. 他把玻璃杯掉到地板上打碎了。
- He dropped his watch in the bathroom. 他把手表丢在浴室了。
- He dropped his wallet when he walked pass me. 他从我身边走过时,掉了他的皮夹子。
- He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. 他立刻丢下农具,朝沼泽地奔去。
- On him way to the sweet shop, he dropped his sixpence and it rolled along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain. 他在去糖果店的路上,把钱掉到地上了,硬币沿着人行道滚动,掉进阴沟里去了。
- He dropped his @slave@ name, and adopted a new one: Muhammad Ali. 他舍弃了他“奴隶”的名字,改用新名:穆罕默德?阿里。
- He dropped his trousers(= undid them and let them fall). 他松开腰带,裤子掉下去。
- The moment he saw her, he dropped his tools and came forward. 他一瞧见她,就扔下工具向她走去。