- He drinks to excess. 他嗜酒无度。
- His father always drinks to excess. 他父亲总是饮酒过度。
- He drinks to his heart's content. 他开怀畅饮。
- He started drinking to excess after losing his job. 他失业后便开始酗酒了。
- It is harmful to drink to excess. 饮酒过度是有害的。
- Whenever he is in a bad mood, he drinks to drown his sorrows. 他心情不好时,就一个人喝闷酒。
- He drank gin to excess, and still talked of his coming masterpiece. 他喝酒总是过量,还总是唠唠叨叨地谈着他未来的那幅杰作。
- Do you drink?No,not a bit.Yes,a little.Yes,I do. But I never drink to excess. 你喝酒吗?
- He drink a cup of strong tea to sober himself up. 他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。。
- He drinks to the excess. 他饮酒过度。
- For reasons best known to himself, he drinks tea from a beer glass. 谁都猜不透他为什麽要用啤酒杯子喝茶。
- Just before Christmas the Office for National Statistics had more bad news for bourgeois boozers: it has, apparently, been under-counting the Britons who drink to excess. 就在圣诞节前,国家统计局发布了更多关于中产阶级酒鬼的坏消息:一直以来明显少算了过度饮酒的英国人。
- Drinking to excess for a long time will lead to cirrhosis of the liver. 长期过量饮酒会导致肝硬化。
- He drinks this medical tea for medicinal purposes. 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。
- Don't carry your anger to excess. 不要肝火过盛。
- He drinks rivers of tea every day. 他每天喝大量茶水。
- You can't serve drinks to minors. 你不能把酒卖给未成年人。
- You shouldn't drink to excess. 你不能过量饮酒。
- He drank a cup of strong tea to sober himself up. 他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。
- We must drink to the health of the bride. 我们要为新娘的健康干杯。