- He drinks his brandy neat. 他喝白兰地不掺水。
- He drank his beer out of the bottle. 他从瓶口直接喝啤酒。
- He drank his ale and stood up ready to clap. 他喝了一口啤酒,坐直身子准备鼓掌。
- He drank his whiskey almost bottoms up. 他把杯中的威士忌喝得几乎一滴不剩。
- He drank his sherry from long glasses, diluted with water. 他用长脚杯喝雪利酒,酒里兑了水。
- He drinks this medical tea for medicinal purposes. 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。
- He drinks to his heart's content. 他开怀畅饮。
- He drinks rivers of tea every day. 他每天喝大量茶水。
- He drank his gin-and-water in silence, and read the paper with great show of pomp and circumstance. 他一声不响地喝着搀水的杜松子酒,派头十足地看着报。
- All he could do for the moment was to drown his sorrows in his brandy. 因此他现在只能姑且喝几口酒。
- He drank his gin-and-water in silence,and read the paper with great show of pomp and circumstance. 他一声不响地喝着搀水的杜松子酒,派头十足地看着报。
- She laced his brandy with coffee. 她在他的白兰地里加了一点咖啡。
- He drink a cup of strong tea to sober himself up. 他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。。
- His brandy - balls go off like smoke. 他的白兰地糖果一下子就卖完了。
- What is the purpose behind heating a snifter before serving a brandy neat? 直接饮用白兰地时加热白兰地杯的目的是什么?
- He drinks his whisky straight . 他喝纯威士忌。
- He is trying to drink his trouble away. 他试图以酒消愁。
- As soon as his guests had drunk all his brandy they left his house. 他的客人们一喝完他所有的白兰地,就离开了他家。
- He drinks his whisky straight. 他喝纯威士忌。
- For reasons best known to himself, he drinks tea from a beer glass. 谁都猜不透他为什麽要用啤酒杯子喝茶。