- He disliked bars and bodegas. 他不喜欢酒吧和酒店。
- He used to frequent the town's bars and night-clubs. 他从前常去镇上的酒吧和夜总会。
- He went to a bar and soaked himself. 他去酒吧喝得酩酊大醉。
- He disliked school in the beginning. 起初他不喜欢上学。
- I made a harmless remark to some guy at the bar and he swung at me. 在酒吧里我向某个家伙说了句无恶意的话,他就向我打了一拳。
- It was patent to everyone that he disliked the idea. 每个人都看得出来他不喜欢这个主意。
- After he lost his job, he went to a bar and hung one on. 他失业后,到酒吧里喝得烂醉如泥。
- He disliked her and had never been shy of saying so. 他不喜欢她,而且从来不忌讳说出这种想法。
- He plunked a dollar down at the bar and ordered a beer. 他把一美元摔在柜台上,要了杯啤酒。
- He may just go to bars and pick up some easy women. 他大可以到酒吧里去钓一些很随便的女生。
- He disliked the litter of human dwellings. 他不喜欢住处搞得乱七八糟。
- He can just go to bars and pick up women. 他大可以到酒吧里去钓女人。
- He disliked anything that was out of the ordinary. 他不喜欢任何特殊的事物。
- He disliked their affluent way of life. 他不喜欢他们那种优裕的生活方式。
- Shall we go to a bar and unwind a little? 我们到酒吧去喝一杯吧?
- The gangster run into the bar and start shooting it up. 歹徒们冲进酒吧胡乱扫射一通。
- He disliked her staying away from home. 他不愿意让她住在外面。
- The monkey reached out a hand through the bars and took the banana. 猴子从栏杆伸出手拿走了香蕉。
- She was conscious that he disliked her. 她意识到自己不礼貌。
- In fact he disliked all of the curricula. 实际上,他不喜欢所有的课程。