- He despises flattery. 他鄙视吹捧。
- If he fears the intellectual, he despises the boor. 他对知识分子有戒心,但是更瞧不起乡下人。
- So remarkably perverse is the nature of man he despises whoever courts him. 人有一种很明显的犟脾气,那就是他看不起任何奉承他的人。
- While he despises incompetence and petty bickering he demands complete and utter loyalty. 他鄙视无能和琐碎的争吵,要求完全和绝对的忠诚。
- He despised himself for being so cowardly. 他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。
- He despised it in joy-he envied it in sorrow. 在欢乐的时候,他蔑视它,在忧愁的时候却羡慕它。
- He despised wealth save as the means of enjoyment. 可是他把财富看得很轻,又把它当成进行享受的手段。
- He despised sages, slandering them at his will. 他完全不把圣人放在眼里,任意毁谤;
- He despised the six field officers at the adjacent table. 他看不起邻桌的六个校级军官。
- Mr Wright is a centralist. For him London is the only possible source of political, economic and social health. And those who don't touch their forelocks at the mention of London, he despises. 赖特先生是个集权制拥护者,在他看来,伦敦是政治,经济和社会兴旺的唯一发源地,对那些在提及伦敦时不肃然起敬的人,他很蔑视。
- He despised the boulder, for he knew that victory was already his. 他蔑视这块礁石,他知道自己已经胜利。
- He despised people who were lavish with their praises. 他看不起那些阿谀奉承的人。
- He despised people who were lavish with their praises . 他看不起那些阿谀奉承的人。
- As a bel esprit he despised pedantry whether in a man or in a bluestocking. 作为一个才子,他看不起卖弄学问的作风,不管这种作风是由男人还是女才子所表现出来的。
- Well, I admit that he also sometimes does it to the people he despises, which can make it somewhat hard to tell which is which. 好吧,我承认他有时对瞧不起的人也是这样,不太好说是怎么个区分法儿。
- Like many an iconoclast, Mr Zhang's roots lay in the things he despised. 正如其它的造反派那样,张为自己的出身感到自卑。
- He knows the order of the genii, and, aware that he is of the same origin, he despises the human side of his being in order to attach himself exclusively to the divine element. 他知道鬼的次序,和知道他是相同的起源,为了单独地贴上神的标签他轻视他的存在的人性部分。
- He despised people who allowed their lives to be disturbed by personal emotion. 他蔑视那些让自己的生活受个人感情影响的人。
- For him London is the only possible source of political, economic and social health. And those who don't touch their forelocks at the mention of London, he despises. 赖特先生是个集权制拥护者,在他看来,伦敦是政治,经济和社会兴旺的唯一发源地,对那些在提及伦敦时不肃然起敬的人,他很蔑视。
- He is liable to be reached by flattery. 他容易被谄媚奉承所打动。