- He dawdled away his time. 他在混日子。
- Regretful to say, he had dawdled away his golden time. 说来遗憾,他荒废了宝贵的时光。
- Believe me, he is not the kinda boy to idle away his time. 相信我﹐他不是那种游手好闲的男孩子。
- He whiled away his time by playing chess. 他以下棋来打发日子。
- Paid failed history because he frivoled away his time instead of studying. 保罗历史不及格,因为他总是浪费时间不好好学习。
- Instead of working, Jack was idling away his time. 杰克不去工作,虚度著光阴。
- He fiddled away his time and strength. 他把自己的时间和精力浪费掉了。
- He whiled away his time playing or walking. 他以玩(球、牌等)和散步来消磨时间。
- What he is doing now is just dreaming away his time. 他现在所做的就是在虚幻中度日。
- Believe me, he is not the kinda boyto idle away his time. 相信我,他不是那种游手好闲的男孩子。
- Paul failed history because he fooled away his time instead of studying. 保罗历史不及格,因为他总是浪费时间不好好学习。
- Dick fiddled away his time and strength. 迪克浪费了时间和精力。
- He idles away his time rather than help his old father support his family. 他宁愿虚度光阴也不愿帮助他父亲支撑这个家。
- Patty dawdled away four years in college. 帕蒂在大学里混了四年。
- The old man has nothing to do and always sleeps away his time. 那老人无所事事, 以睡眠虚度光阴。
- He time after time gambled away his money. 他经常赌博,把钱输个精光。
- If one idles away his time,youth will fade away and life will run out on him. 谁虚度年华;青春就要褪色;生命就会抛弃他.
- If one idles away his time, youth will fade away and life will run out him. 谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就会抛弃他。
- He dawdled nervously toward the door, wishing to melt away. 他心神不宁地慢慢向门口倒退,恨不得一下子化为乌有。
- She dawdled away the whole afternoon. 她浪费掉整整一个下午。