- He dashed across the street and ran towards me. 他冲过马路,向我跑过来。
- He dashed across the road. 他冲过马路。
- He dashed across the street and ran toward me. 他冲过马路,向我跑过来。
- He dashed frantically across the road. 他疯狂地跑过马路。
- We gave him covering fire as he dashed across the clearing. 我们用火掩护他冲过空地。
- In order to avoid being hit by a car,you'd better dash across the road when it is clear. 为避免让车拉着,你最好在路上无车辆行驶时再横穿过去。
- It was foolish of you to dash across the road like that without looking first.Thank your lucky stars you weren't knocked down. 你不首先看看,就匆匆地过马路,真愚蠢,你没被撞到算你幸运。
- In order to avoid being hit by a car, you'd better dash across the road when it is clear. 为避免让车拉着,你最好在路上无车辆行驶时再横穿过去。
- The stripling helped the old man across the road. 年轻的男子帮助那老人过马路。
- The child made a dart across the road. 这个小孩冲过大路。
- The car suddenly veered across the road. 汽车突然转向横穿过马路。
- He ran across the road, dodging the traffic. 他躲开来往的车辆跑过马路。
- He helped the children go across the road. 他帮助孩子们过马路。
- He hurried across the road in front of a car. 他匆匆地赶在一辆汽车前面穿过了马路。
- He stretched his fishing net across the road. 他在道路上伸展他的渔网。
- The cat streaked across the road with the dog behind it. 那只猫在狗的紧追之下飞速穿过马路。
- The new store across the road has taken away most of my customers. 路那边的那家新店抢走了我的许多主顾。
- Dashing across the street, Mr Green was almost hit by a car. 格林先生匆匆横穿街道时,差一点被汽车撞了。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。
- The cat streaked across the road with a dog behind it. 有只狗在后面,这只猫飞快地越过马路。