- No matter how he tried, He could not break free. 无论我如何努力,都无法重获自由。
- It was no use, he could not break away, so he gave up. 这是枉费力气,他挣脱不了,所以只好作罢。
- He could not break free. 他都无法冲破牢笼。
- It was no use,he could not break away,so he gave up. 这是枉费力气,他挣脱不了,所以只好作罢。
- No matter how he tried, He could not break free. And the worms ate into his brain. 不管他怎么试;他都无法破墙从而自由.;而蠕虫已侵蚀了他的大脑。
- He could not turn his back upon helpless travelers. 对孤立无援的旅客,他不忍心拒绝不管。
- He could not bring himself to break the new to her. 他不敢把这消息告诉她。
- He could not adequately express his sentiment. 他无法恰当地表达出他的感情。
- He could not resist the temptation to steal. 他经不起想要偏巧的诱惑。
- However, she cannot break free from SeungWoo. 然而,世娜仍然放不下成佑。
- He could not realize his own danger. 他未能意识到自己的危险。
- He could not possibly have endured a whipping. 他不可能受得住一顿鞭打。
- He could not stand the terrible English climate. 他忍受不了糟糕的英国气候。
- Wyatt briefs Pad Man about Agent Self. The IT guy from Self's office comes in and explains that he could not break the firewall on Self's computer. 怀亚特向“将军”汇报了特工赛尔夫的情况。那个帮赛尔夫“修”电脑的也向“将军”汇报说他没有能侵入赛尔夫电脑的防火墙。
- He could not come up with a proper answer. 他想不出一个合适的回答。
- He could not account for his foolish mistake. 他无法解释他所犯的荒谬的错误。
- He could not account for his absence from school. 他无法说明他旷课的原因。
- He could not avoid having to atone for what he had done. 他干了坏事,免不了要自食其果。
- He could not fully understand these involved scholarly lectures. 这些艰深的学术讲演他不能完全听懂。
- The old man tried to spit up sputum, but he could not. 这老人想把痰咯出来但他不能。