- He continued silent. 他保持沉默。
- He continued silent . 他继续沉默。
- He continued to reflect upon it. 他继续思索这个问题。
- He continued his writing for another year. 他又继续写了一年。
- He continued his operations in cotton futures. 他继续进行棉花期货交易。
- He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall. 他跌下来也并未气馁,继续攀登。
- From want of anything better to do, he continued to read. 因为没有更好的事可做,他只好继续看书。
- For want of anything better to do, he continued to read. 因为没有更好的事可做,他只好继续看书。
- He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University. 他继续在罗马大学教授刑法。
- This autumn, I continue silent fall Mo. 这个秋天;我继续寂静落寞.
- He continued to live above the shop. 他继续居住在商店的楼上。
- He continued his fence from the garden to the gate. 他把篱笆从花园扩展到大门口。
- He continued the work day after day. 他一天一天地继续做这件工作。
- And he continued to stare at her. 他仍旧瞠眼望着她。
- He continued in his customary, haranguing style. 他继续以他一贯的夸夸其谈的手法讲下去。
- He continued reading, ignoring the bell. 他不理钟响,继续读下去。
- He continued with reminiscences of the war. 他继续讲着有关战争的旧事。
- He continued his experiment with assurance. 他充满信心地继续他的试验。
- He continued faithful to his cause. 他对事业的忠诚一如既往。
- He continue speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. 他不顾及我在此事上的感情继续往下说。