- He chose to run for election. 他决定参加竞选。
- The latest is that he is going to run for election. 最新消息说,他打算参加竞选。
- He has already stated his intention to run for election. 他已声明打算参加竞选。
- He declared his intention to run for office. 他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法。
- The President has let it be known that he does not intend to run for election again. 总统已经公开表示他不打算再次参加竞选。
- He wants to run for the presidency. 他想竞选总统。
- He chose to make teaching his career. 他打算以教书为业。
- The opponents'campaign efforts were already in full swing when the new candidate decided to run for election. 那位新的候选人决定参加竞选时,竞争对手们的竞选活动均已达到高潮。
- He chose to make the U.S. the key battleground. 他选择了把美国作为主攻市场。
- The opponents' campaign efforts were already in full swing when the new candidate decided to run for election. 那位新的候选人决定参加竞选时,竞争对手们的竞选活动均已达到高潮。
- He chose to say nothing about this to anyone. 他不愿意把这事对任何人讲。
- I chose to run for president because I believed that the size of our challenges had outgrown the capacity of our broken politics to solve them. 我竞选总统是因为我相信我们现在所要挑战的已经是现有规则所容纳不下的了,只有打破它才能解决当前面临的问题。
- After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist. 他受过正统的教育,却立意过著艺术家我行我素的生活。
- He has running for election as senator. 他正在参加参议院选举。
- He chose to be the best of himself. 他选择做最好的他。
- He plans to run for president in this year. 今年他打算竞选总统。
- As a youth, he chose to be a cartoonist. 他年轻时立志当一名漫画家。
- He chose to stand trial by jury. 他选择了陪审审判。
- He is going to run for president this year. 今年他打算竞选总统。
- At last , he chose to cre at e his own career. 最后他选择了创业。