- In the last seconds of the race, he came from nowhere and won. 在比赛的最后几秒钟, 他从后面不知什么地方突然冒出来并赢得了胜利。
- He came from nowhere to dominate the money primary in 2004.But his $40m treasure chest did not prevent him from imploding during the Iowa primaries. 他名不见经传却控制着2004年的大选,但是在爱荷华州大选中,他的4000万美金的财宝箱却并没有使他免于遭受内讧的困境。
- He came from out of nowhere into national fame. 他从默默无闻一下子变成举国成名。
- She came from nowhere into national fame. 她从无名之辈变成全国闻名。
- He came from nowhere. 不知道他是从那里来的。
- He came from a petty-bourgeois family. 他出身于一个小资产阶级家庭。
- He came from an obscure mountain village. 他来自一个偏僻的山村。
- He came from an impoverished background. 他出身贫寒。
- He came from the highest Hindu caste. 他出身印度最高的种姓。
- I dropped I like a bomb. It came from nowhere. 这消息就像一颗炸弹,事先毫无征兆。
- He come from holland, but she come from Sweden. 他是荷兰来的,但她是瑞典来的。
- He comes from finland. So do they. 他从芬兰来。他们也是。
- He comes from a long line of actors. 他出生于一个历史悠久的演员世家。
- He came from the remote frontier. 他来自遥远的边疆。
- He came from France, a country across the sea. 他来自法国,一个海那边的国家。
- Do you think he came from America? 您确信他来自美国?
- He came from France,a country across the sea. 他来自法国,一个海那边的国家。
- He came from an aspiring working-class background. 他出身于有抱负的工人阶级家庭。
- Within seconds there were sirens and "everything unfolded. Police came from nowhere, everywhere. 几秒钟后警笛长鸣,“一切都结束了。警察从天而降,到处都是。
- Not since 1975 had the Open been held at Carnoustie and that year Tom Watson came from nowhere to win. 1975年,籍籍无名的汤姆。沃森在此一举夺冠。