- He bulged his cheeks roundly. 他把两颊鼓得圆圆的。
- He bulged his cheeks roundly 他的两腮鼓得圆圆的。
- He bulged his cheeks . 他鼓起两颊。
- He bulged his cheeks. 他鼓起两颊。
- He bulged his pocket with acorns. 他的囗袋鼓鼓囊囊装满了橡子。
- He bulged his pocket with marbles. 他的口袋塞满了弹珠。
- The child bulged his cheeks. 那小孩鼓起面颊。
- He balloons his cheeks when he is hesitant. 他迟疑不决时会鼓起双颊。
- He was saying that with his tongue in his cheek. 他只不过是虚情假意说说罢了。
- His cheek was badly scarred by a knife cut. 他的面颊上留有严重的刀疤。
- His cheeks are beginning to plump out/up. 他的脸颊胖起来了。
- He cupped his cheek swelled by toothache. 他用手捂着因牙痛而肿胀的半边脸。
- He is saying that with his tongue in his cheek. 他只不过是虚情假意说说罢了。
- She caressed his cheek lovingly. 她亲热地吻了他的脸颊。
- He looked very pale,his cheeks had sunk in. 他脸色苍白,双颊陷了下去。
- He silently enjoined his cheeks, Don't blush! 他默默分付两颊道:“不要烧盘!
- The slap she gave him made his cheek tingle. 他挨了她一个嘴巴,脸上热辣辣的。
- The other hand he slipped under his cheek. 另一只手他贴在面颊下。
- He was thin and his cheeks were hollow. 他很瘦,连面颊都凹陷了下去。