- He broke out into curses. 他忽然破口大骂。
- The wicked woman broke out into curses. 那可恶的女人突然咒骂起来。
- He broke out into loud laughter. 他忽然哈哈大笑起来。
- Feng Yun-thing's eyes rolled in amazement, while his straggly moustache twitched, and he broke out into a cold sweat all over. 冯云卿眼珠往上一翻,出了一身冷汗,那几茎月牙须又簌簌地抖了。
- He broke out into a fury. 他突然大发脾气。
- He spent several months in a Nazi concentration camp before he broke out. 他在纳粹集中营里关了几个月后逃了出来。
- The child broke out into a rash five days after being exposed to infection. 这小孩受了感染5天之后,发出一片红疹。
- He broke out his best wine for the guest. 他取出他收藏的最好的酒来招待客人。
- He broke out in a rash after eating prawns. 他吃了虾后,身上出现皮疹。
- He spent two months in prison before he broke out. 他越狱逃走之前在狱中坐牢两个月。
- The coldness soon broke out into open complaint. 冷漠不久就变成公开的抱怨了。
- He broke out in a cold sweat,eg through fear. 他出了一身冷汗(如由于恐惧)。
- The audience broke out into thunderous cheers. 全场欢声雷动。
- He broke out in a cold sweat,eg.through fear. 他出了一身冷汗(如由于恐惧).
- He broke out in a cold sweat, eg through fear. 他出了一身冷汗(如由於恐惧).
- His face broke out into a smile. 他变得笑逐颜开。
- He broke out his best wine for the guest . 他取出他收藏的最好的酒来招待客人。
- In January it broke out into muting. 到了一月份,就爆发成为兵变。
- The audience broke out into a stormy applause. 观众中爆发出暴风雨般的掌声。
- His face broke out into a happy grin. 他的脸上露出了快乐的笑容。