- He bowed his thanks. 他鞠躬致谢。
- He bowed his head in shame and sadness. 他羞愧和悲伤得低下了头。
- As he bowed his head. In silence. To him. 在他沉默着对他点头的时候
- He bowed his head to signify he had understood what Shamil said. 他低头,以显示他已明白表示沙米利。
- He bowed his head and spoke, his own voice somehow new and different. "Thank you, mistress. What duty now lies before me? 他再次低头致谢,他发现自己的声音也不知为何变的崭新且不同“太感谢了,我的主人。现在请告诉我,我的任务是什么?
- He bows his head and you experience his humbleness. 他低下他的头而你体验了他的谦逊。
- Murbeck rose slowly, holding his stomach. He bowed his head. "I will carry out my duty, Aimara. 穆贝克慢慢的爬了起来,手还捂着隐隐作痛的肚子。他低下了头,说道:“我会承担起我的责任的,爱玛拉。
- Then when Jesus had taken the vinegar, He said, It is finished! And He bowed His head and delivered up His spirit. 耶稣受了那醋,就说,成了!便低下头,将灵交付了。
- He bowed his head, clasped his hands, screwed his eyes shut, and intoned, “Give us this day our daily dread. 他垂下头合起掌,闭上眼睛念到,“赐给我们今日的饮食。”
- He bowed his head in shame. 他惭愧地低下头来。
- He babbled his thanks in a great hurry. 他急忙连声道谢。
- The guilty man bowed his head in shame. 那个有罪的人羞愧地低下了头。
- The profuseness of his thanks was embarrassing. 他再三表示感谢使人很不好意思。
- He was profuse in his thanks for the gift. 他一再地感谢那件礼物。
- Such was the position, which the minister occupied, as he bowed his head forward on the cushions of the pulpit at the close of his Election Sermon. 当我们的这位牧师结束了他在庆祝选举日的布道,在讲坛的靠垫上向前垂着头时,所处的正是这样一个高位。
- He expressed his thanks again and again. 他一再表示感谢。
- He bowed to his opponent finally in a close match. 在一场势均力敌的比赛中,他终于败给对手。
- Age had bowed his once straight back. 他年事已高,过去挺直的腰板弯了。
- Greatly embarrassed, he faltered out his thanks. 他局促不安,结结巴巴地道了谢。
- Greatly embarrassed,he faltered out his thanks. 他非常困窘地说出他的谢意。