- It's lucky that he bounded away,otherwise he would have been hurt. 幸好他跳开了,不然他就会受伤了。
- It's lucky that he bounded away, otherwise he would have been hurt. 幸好他跳开了,不然他就会受伤了。
- It' s lucky that he bounded away, otherwise he would have been hurt. 幸好他跳开了,不然他就会受伤了。
- He bounded away. 他跳开了。
- Without a word of reply he turned and bounded away. 他没有回答,转身蹦蹦跳跳地离开了。
- He bounded into the room and announced that he was getting married. 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房间里,宣布他要结婚了。
- He bounded up the wide steps with vigour. 他精神十足地跃上一级级宽阔的台阶。
- The rabbit bounded away into the wood. 兔子跳进丛林中
- He bounded up the wide steps with vigor. 他精神十足地跃上一级宽阔的台阶。
- He bounded up the step with vigour. 他精神十足地跳上一级台阶。
- He bounded up with literature in his ealy years. 他早年就和文学结下了不解之缘。
- Jack was hurt deeply,and he bounded his time for revenge. 杰克受了很深的伤害,他等待著报仇的时机
- He bounded to his feet and waved good-bye to his friends. 他一跃而起,向朋友们挥手告别。
- The landlady seemed to have more to say, but he bounded up the stairs. 房东太太像还有话说,他三脚两步逃上楼。
- A rational function is continuous on any finite interval where the denominator is bounded away from zero. 有理函数在任何有限区间上都是连续的,其中分母远离零值。
- He bounded back home to tell his mother that the teacher praised him in class. 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑回家,告诉他妈妈老师上课表扬他了。
- The little boy bounded away. 那个小男孩跳着跑开。
- Then he bounded over to the kill and the lionesses and cubs hurried out of his way. 接着,他突然跃向猎物(那头捕杀的斑马)致使雌狮和小狮子急忙躲开。
- Exhilaration caught him up as he bounded down the blue-lit hallway and emerged under dark, cloud-smeared skies. 当他跳着出了泛着蓝色灯光的走廊,来到了黑色的夜空下,他感到太兴奋了。
- He was bound out to a carpenter. 他被送去当木匠的学徒。