- He bossed his wife about . 他对他妻子发号施令。
- He bossed his wife about. 他对他妻子发号施令。
- He's always bossing his wife about. 他总是呼来唤去地指使妻子。
- He never complains to his wife about the food. 他从不向妻子抱怨食物。
- He has been thrown into prison for battering his wife about. 他因虐待妻子而被投进了监狱。
- He took the first opportunity to question his wife about it. 他一有机会就向他妻子查问这事。
- He's always railing against his wife about her extravagance. 他总是责怪妻子奢侈浪费。
- He's always bossing his wife around. 他对妻子总是呼来喝去的。
- He conversed with his wife about the summer vacation. 注:他与妻子在谈论关于暑假的话题。
- He often comes to loggerheads with his wife about the most trivial matters. 他经常为一些鸡毛蒜皮的事和他妻子吵架。
- John often quarrels with his wife about housework. 约翰经常因家务活与妻子吵架。
- If that man knocks his wife about any more, he'll be sent to prison. 要是那个人还虐待妻子, 他就要被送往监狱。
- He squabbled with his wife about why she spent a lot of money on shopping. 他和他的老婆争吵为什麽她花很多钱在血拼上。
- Bob went for his wife about her being late as soon as she got home. 妻子一到家,鲍勃就斥责她回来晚了。
- When he got married, Ray was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. 雷结婚时,因为怕难堪,他对妻子只字不提有关自己职业的事。
- Being asked by his wife about the people he ate and drank with, he told her that they were all wealthy men. 但是,从来没有富人到我们家里来,我将要秘密的跟踪他,看看他到底去哪里?
- Jim was very embarrassed and said nothing to his wife about his job. Jim感到很难为情而没有把自己的职业告诉自己的妻子。
- The husband argued with his wife about the best place for a holiday. 老公和老婆为度假的最好地方争论。
- Do you think he is serious about leaving his wife? 你认为他真的想离开他的妻子吗?
- He has forsaken his wife and children. 他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。