- He bends a wire into a loop. 他将铁线弯成圆圈。
- He bends a wire into a loop . 他将铁线弯成圆圈。
- He bent the wire into the shape of a square. 他把铁丝折成正方形。
- He twisted the wire into a U shape. 他把金属丝拗成了一个U字形。
- Bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe. 把一块铁弯曲成马蹄形。
- The teacher bends a piece of iron into a horseshoe. 这位教师把一块铁弯曲成马蹄形。
- He bent a crooked circle straight. 他把弯曲的铁丝弄直。
- Twisting wire into a loop 把铁线扭成一圈
- He bends a "sapling" to the form of an arch over this narrow passage, and conceals six Indians in its foliage. 世上圆滑标准的人很多,但出类拔萃的人极少。而往往出类拔萃又隐藏在卑琐狂荡之下。
- twisting wire into a loop. 把电线弯成一个圈
- Methods: Shape the microguide wire into a U shape loop ,Withdraw the microguidewire and microcathete simultaneously. 提高疗效、减少副作用是介入同行所追求的目标。
- Ductility allows a metal or alloy to be drawn into a wire. 延展性使金属或合金能被拉成丝。
- Silver may be drawn out into a wire finer than a human hair. 银可以拉成比头发还细的丝。
- Deposit Funds via Bank Wire into a new or existing E-Bullion account. 通过电汇注入新的或现存的帐户间转帐。
- He can bend a pipe with his hands. 他可以用双手把导管折弯。
- The ground is shut in by a wire fence. 那块地被铁丝篱笆围住。
- The old wove what he said into a complicated story. 那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。
- He banged into a telephone booth and hurt his leg. 他撞在了一个电话亭上,伤了腿。
- He knocked his head against a wire post. 他的头碰到电线杆上了。
- He has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 他已成长为22岁的青年了。