- The moment he began to bully her and to be unjust, she began to draw away. 从他开始对她专横跋扈,蛮不讲理那一刹起,她就疏远了他。
- The moment he began to bully her and to be unjust, she began to draw away . 从他开始对她专横跋扈,蛮不讲理那一刹起,她就疏远了他。
- He began to draw away from T, snatch her food and became crapulent.During that month, J was fatter than T. 父神的威严是不允许他的仆人背叛他的,米迦勒的军团和我的军团在天堂的边界展开了大战。
- He began to draw away. 他开始走开了。
- He began to draw some legs on his snake. 于是他开始在自己画的蛇上加了几条腿
- They two were neck and neck up till the 500 metre mark,but after that John began to draw away from Bill. 约翰与比尔跑到500米时还不分上下,但500米后约翰便把比尔远远地抛在后边。
- They two were neck and neck up till the 500 metre mark, but after that John began to draw away from Bill. 约翰与比尔跑到500米时还不分上下,但500米后约翰便把比尔远远地抛在后边。
- Suddenly he began to shriek loudly. 突然他开始大声尖叫起来。
- After a few drinks he began to open up a bit. 他喝了几杯酒话就多起来了。
- The child's face puckered up and he began to cry. 那孩子脸一皱哭了起来。
- Have oiled the machine, he begin to run it. 他把机器上了油之后便开始开动。
- He began to look for another position immediately. 他马上开始寻找另一个职位。
- After she died he began to hit the bottle. 她死之後,他开始酗酒。
- The child's face puckered (up) and he began to cry. 那孩子脸一皱哭了起来。
- He began to pull the mud away with his hands. 他开始用手把泥巴挖走。
- Now we begin to draw a circle with compasses. 现在我们开始用圆规画一个圆。
- On the fourth lap,he started to draw away from the rest. 跑到第四圈,他开始把其余的人都甩到后面去了。
- After a good dinner he began to thaw. 吃过一顿美餐后,他开始变得随和了。
- He began to unpack his briefcase. 他开始打开公事包取出里面的东西。
- Halfway through the race he began to flag. 赛跑到一半他开始有点跑不动了。