- He barely escaped being pawed by the dog. 他侥幸没有被狗抓着。
- He barely escaped being pawed by the lion. 他侥幸没被狮子抓着。
- He barely escaped. 他好不容易地才逃了出来。
- He barely escaped death. 他仅免於死。
- Having barely escaped the dreadly Mines of Do... 一款类似炸弹人的游戏。
- He barely registered our presence. 他几乎没有注意到我们在场。
- He barely spoke and his silences were legendary. 他很少与人交谈,他的沉默为圈内人士津津乐道。
- Bill was so hungry that he barely made it through his last class. 比尔饿到几乎撑不过最后一堂课。
- He barely escaped 他好不容易地才逃了出来。
- Olaf Petri was often assailed by the mob, and upon several occasions barely escaped with his life. 奥拉夫往往被暴徒袭击,有几次仅以身免。
- After paying the rent, he barely has any money left to maintain his living. 付完房租后,他几乎没有余钱来维持生活。
- He barely had time to pay his dues, let alone think up any new material. 他几乎没有时间来支付其欠款,更不用说发明任何新材料。
- He bared his bosom to the crowd. 他向众人袒示胸怀。
- Two weeks ago, he barely survived a rebellion within his own party to beat a no-confidence motion. 两周前,他在党内的倒戈战中侥幸击退一项不信任动议案。
- One evening, John and I had a talk. He bared his heart to me, then we have understood each other better. 有天晚上,我和约翰聊天,他向我推心置腹,自那以后我俩较为了解了。
- When Gordon Moore began working at Shockley Semiconductor in 1956, he barely knew what a semiconductor was. 不光是在英特尔,甚至是在整个产业中,也很少能有像摩尔这样兼具技术和商业两大优势于一身的天才。
- He barely noticed the sunrise, looking up only when he felt the King of Lesslyn and his son approach the bridge. 直到他感到Lesslyn的国王和他的儿子在走近小桥时,他才抬起头来,但他没注重到太阳已经升起了。
- Thou goest clear, because he bare thy burden for thee: thou art set at liberty, because he has suffered in thy stead. 耶稣使我们得自由,并没有向我们要求什麽,这救恩是白白赐给我们的。
- He bribed his way past the guard and escaped. 他买通看守而逃之夭夭了。
- With their excellent martial art skills, 999 and the thief barely escape from the deadly chase of the cannibals... 幸而两人均功夫了得,身手不凡,才可逃过被村民生剖一动劫。