- He appears modest . 他似乎谦虚。
- He appears modest. 他似乎谦虚。
- He appear modest. 他似乎谦虚。
- He appears to have drunk a lot of liquor. 他似乎喝得醉醺醺的。
- He appears to be your friend but I doubt if he is. 他看上去像是你的朋友,但我怀疑他是否是真心的。
- He appear in person at the bar of the house. 他亲自出现在下院议员席的围栏后面。
- He appears pompous but is a good man underneath. 他表面看来傲慢,但骨子里是个好人。
- He appeared, surrounded by his numerous progeny. 他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。
- He appears in all the papers of the country. 他登上了全国各大报纸的版面。
- He appears pompous but he is a good man underneath. 他表面看来傲慢,但骨子是个好人。
- He appears a perfectly normal person. 他看上去完全是个正常的人。
- He appears to know more than he really does. 他看起来好象懂得很多, 其实懂得没有那么多。
- He appears to have two slits for eyes. 他眯着两眼。
- He seems to be sick, for he appears pale. 看样子他病了, 因为他面色看起来很苍白。
- He appears /seems to want to leave. 他似乎想离去。
- Going with the theme of the living room TV wall restaurant linked with hickory and Hunyou insert contrast, appear modest and stand upright. 在顶面的处理上,做异形装饰吊顶,使门厅分为两个功能区域。
- He appears pale but he seems not to be sick. 他虽然面色苍白,但好像没病。
- He appears well-mannered and soft-spoken. 看上去文质彬彬的他。
- This is why he appears withdrawn. 这就是为什么他总是显得那么与世无争。
- He often jokes even when he appears serious. 即使在他很严肃的时候他也经常开玩笑。