- He achieved contentment. 他感到心满意足了。
- He achieved because he was a hard worker. 他之所以成功是因为他工作勤奋。
- Once he achieved power he showed (himself in) his true colours. 他一掌了权就露出了本来面目。
- It took several years before he achieved the presidency. 他用好几年才攀上了总裁职位。
- He achieved his goal by peaceful means. 他通过和平手段达到了他的目的。
- He achieved the presidency of this university. 他获得了这个大学的校长职位。
- He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement. 他达到目的主要是靠运气而不是靠判断力。
- He achieved a lot because he was a hard worker. 他之所以取得成功是他努力的结果。
- Once he achieved power heshowed his true colours. 他一旦掌了权就露出了本来面目。
- He achieve success by work16 hour a day. 他是通过一天工作16个小时方式取得成功的。
- Once he achieved power he showed his true colors. 他一掌权就露出了本来的面目。
- He achieved his aim by sheer strength of will. 他纯粹靠意志力达到了目的。
- He achieved his success at great sacrifice. 他作了很大的牺牲才获得成功。
- He achieved success through dogged persistence. 他靠着坚持不懈取得了成功。
- He achieved a state of equilibrium . 他达到了一个平衡的状态。
- He achieved two things at one stroke by doing things this way. 他这么做一箭双雕。
- He achieved extraordinary successes at an ordinary post. 他在平凡的工作岗位上作出了突出的成绩。
- He achieved a perfectly clean entry,and there is almost no splash. 他的入水非常漂亮,几乎没有溅起水花。
- He achieved a great deal because he was a hard worker. 他取得成功是他努力的结果。
- He achieved new deeds of merit during the war against Germany. 他在对德战争中立新功。