- He is so simple minded that he does not know the whereabout of Beijing. 例句: 他连北京在那里也不知道,他就是这样的愚昧无知。
- It' s simple:My dog Jake worked miracles with his love. 其实并不难理解:我的狗用爱创造了奇迹。
- This classifier has a simple mind and has been trained 1254 times. 这个云形状分级器有一个基本的头脑而受过1254次训练。
- This classifier has a simple mind and has been trained 36 times. 这个云形状分级器有一个基本的头脑而受过36次训练。
- I was just a little girl, who’s simple, pure and sometimes even angelical. 第一个“恐”,在于自由与统治的不平衡。
- Semmelweis’s simple but radical idea gained currency only in the 20th century. 只有到了二十世纪,西梅尔威斯医生的简基观念才开始广为传播。
- Some simple minded observers fear that foreign enterprise will dominate government circles. 一些头脑简单的评论家担心外国企业会左右政界人士。
- "They're just simple minded, that's all." This is what most of the neighbors said. “他们是傻瓜。”邻居们说得最多的就是这句话。
- The SV 510's simple and reliable mechanism ensures the optimum flow of closures to match application machinery speeds. SV 510简单可靠的机械原理可确保优化瓶盖流程,以匹配应用设备的速度。
- What irks me a little more is the people here, for I guess I am perhaps really just a simple minded fella, and I really do not like to act of politics in social situations. 但是,我是否已经把吃苦当吃补,我就不清楚了。我只知道过去的好多年,都已经吃苦吃得麻木了。哈哈哈!为了实现一个几乎不可能的梦想,我放弃了简单的生活,一个人漂洋过海到了陌生的环境。
- In the end, Zaibun's zaniness could not top Goh's simple prescription for feeling good. 但赛卜的“幽默”理念最终不敌安迪的简单快乐良方。
- It’s simple, straightforward and very functional for any busy professional or busy socialite. 软件菜单运行会停顿,是因为软件一直调用系统硬件。
- He would help us if he were minded to do so. 如果他有意帮助我们,他就会这样做。
- It’s simple, your brain is at the center of everything you do, all you feel and think, and every nuance of how you relate to people. 这很简单,你的大脑是你做任何事情、你的所有感官思维、你与他人关系的微妙差异的关键。
- She had no color, in common, nor was her simple mind apt to present images that caused her cheek to brighten. 一般说来,她脸色苍白,她那单纯的头脑不大会闪过一些念头而使双颊泛红。
- Jeff Herzog ?0 and Grace Rubenstein ?1's simple and colorful lighting design complements the subtly slick set designed by Dawn Nelson ?0 very well. 杰夫赫尔佐克?0和格雷斯鲁宾斯坦?1简单,丰富多彩的灯光设计补充了微妙的光滑设置黎明纳尔逊?
- He could do it if he were so minded. 假如他想做,他就能做。
- Naron's single heart and simple mind had room for only one feeling and one thought. 拿侬单纯的心,简单的头脑,只容得下一种感情,一种念头。
- She minded very much that he had not come. 他没有来,她为此十分不悦。
- Nonan's single heart and simple mind had room for only one feeling and one thought. 拿侬单纯的心,简单的头脑,只容得下一种感情,一个念头。