- He is not very tall and wears glasses. 他个子不是很高,戴着一副眼镜。
- He' s not very steady on his legs after his illness. 他病愈後走路还不太稳.
- My father is not very tall, but he is strong, he is very kind to his patients and he loves his work. 我父亲是不是很高,但他强壮,他是非常热心对待他的病人,他也非常热爱他的工作。
- She 's not very fond of football. 她并不十分喜欢足球。
- It"s not very easy to complish this desirability. 这个愿望的达成,是如此不易。
- It was a not very tall candelabra of old bronze and artistic workmanship. 这是个不高的古铜大烛台,艺术品。
- Unlike in the physical world of books, stacks, and cards, it’s not very hard to add an index in the computer. 和现实世界的书本、仓库和卡片不同的是,在计算机中加一个索引不是难事。
- Yes, the colour 's all right. but it 's not very good quality. I 'd try somewhere else if I were you. 是的,这颜色是可以的。但它的质量不很好。如果我是你,我就到其它地方再看看。
- It's easy to pick him out in a crowd because he is very tall. 很容易从人群中辨认出他,因为他个子很高。
- There are not very tall but nonetheless rugged mountains in the north, and endless miles of rocky coastline that seem mystical. 北部的山虽不高但却崎岖不平,而绵延不绝的岩岸则展现出神秘的风情。
- SNS website great majority rises from campus website development, with us this is planted the registration of soubrette website crowd is not very tall. 很多服务都是在生命某个阶段中存在的,通过婚恋网站找到对象之后,会推荐亲友使用这个网站,会大大降低婚恋网站会员的注册成本。
- Division in Jinan, 1001, Wuwei is the first player off the singer, not very tall young man though, his voice is particularly rough. 在济南赛区,1001号选手武威是第一个出场的歌手,小伙子虽然个头不大,嗓子却特别粗犷。
- He's not very good but he's a real trier. 尽管他并不十分出色,但他至少勤勤恳恳地努力去做了。
- I am not very tall and not very thin . My hobby is reading books . My favourite sport is adventuring. I can play the piano very well . 我长得既不高也不瘦。我的爱好是看书。我最喜欢的运动就是冒险。我弹钢琴弹得很好。(本文由中国原创英语网/沐泉翻译,中文版权属本站所有。转载请注明出处。如有侵权,当追究其法律责任。)
- He may be very tall, but not necessarily a good basketball player. 他个子很高,但未必是一个好的篮球选手。
- He's not very receptive to my suggestions. 他不太愿意接纳我的建议。
- The abbe was very tall and thin. 男修道院院长又高又瘦。
- He 's not in . He may have go downtown . 他没在家。他可能上闹市区去了。
- He was very tall and stood out from the crowd. 他个子很高,在人群中显得很突出。
- In fact, I am exactly not very good .seemed have put all my interest on the guy Sumit, even if that’s not wrong, depended all my fortune on him ,that should be very wrong. 朋友呢;就是这样一群人;不但是你选择他们;有时候也是他们选择你;还有时候;是命运选择你们.;所以不能着急;不能焦燥;不能苦恼;要等待;给他们时间也给自己时间;对他们宽容也是对自己宽容