- The great value of Jack as a committee man is that he is always on the ball. 作为一名委员,杰克的巨大作用是始终保持警惕。
- Henry is a good player. He's just not always on the ball. 亨利是位好选手。只不过他的精神有时不大集中。
- Jane will probably know,she's always on the ball. 简也许会知道,她是始终留意着的。
- I can't stand Martin; he's always on the make. 我无法忍受马丁; 他总是动手动脚,寻求性的冒险。
- He never lets an opportunity slip; he's always on the mark. 他总是当机立断,决不错过机会。
- My father is a business man and he's always on the wing. 我父亲是个商人,他总是忙忙碌碌的。
- The mother with twin babies are always on the run. 这个有双胞胎婴儿的妈妈总是忙忙碌碌的。
- He walked over to the radio and turned on the ball game. 他走过去把收音机开到球赛节目上。
- She is always on the alert for some new calamity. 她总是保持警觉以防某种新的灾难。
- He will do well in that work because he has a lot on the ball. 他是会做好那件工作的,因为他很有才干。
- The coach told Jim he must get on the ball or he cannot stay on the team. 教练告诉吉姆他必须把事情干好,不可分神,否则他就不能在这个队里呆下去。
- The juror expertly answered the lawyer's questions and showed he had something on the ball. 陪审员巧妙地回答了律师的问题,显示出他很有才干。
- He was always on the lookout for palace revolts. 他老是提防发生宫廷叛乱。
- That reporter is about the best we have on the paper. He's always on the ball and brings back stories that most other reporters would miss. 那个记者大概是我们报纸最好的记者了。他的报导总是非常出色,他往往会带回一些大多数记者都会忽略的消息。
- The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新的宣传部主任确实很内行。
- He pushes the ball constantly, always on the attack, getting easy buckets for whoever deigns to keep up, creating fast breaks out of thin air. 他经常是把球推进到前场,总是在策动进攻,要麽想方设法给队友一个妙传让他轻松得分,要麽用长传制造快攻或是空中接力。
- I can't stand Steven: he's always on the make. 我实在难以忍受。
- You can trust John; he's got something on the ball. 你可信赖约翰,他人精明能干。
- She is always on the outlook for great changes in China. 她一直在注视着中国所发生的巨大变化。
- He's a self-seeker; he's always on the make. 这个人才奸哪,总想占便宜。