- He 's new here. 他是新来这里的。
- Is he new here? He appears quite nerdy. 这是新来的员工吧,满身书生气。
- Mary' s new boy-friend' s quite a dish, isn' t he ? 玛丽新交的男朋友挺帅的, 是不是?
- He was new here,but it didn't take him long to wise up to what was going on. 他是个新来乍到的人,但没过多久他就意识到这里在搞什么名堂。
- Nothing obviously usable or new here. 明显无用。
- I was very jealous of Sarah' s new bicycle. 我很羡慕萨拉的新自行车。
- Being new here, I'm very much in the dark myself! 我刚来, 真是丈二和尚摸不着头脑!
- The government' s new policy received a good press. 政府的新政策受到新闻舆论的好评。
- Troy: Hi there! Are you new here? 特洛依?嗨,你好!你是新来的吗?
- Do you have Stevie Wonder 's new album . 你有没有史蒂夫.;旺德的新专辑?
- From this sense, SASS is new here. 所以从这个概念上来讲,SASS是EK在大陆招聘的新代理。
- How did you pass this year'; s new years day? 去年的新年你是怎样过的?
- Do you have Stevie Wonder 's new album. 你有没有史蒂夫·旺德的新专辑
- The critics commended the director 's new film. 评论家们称赞这位导演的新电影。
- Did anyone got ARVIL LAGVINE's new album?? 生命不在呼得到什么,只在乎做过什么!!!
- U2’s new hIT caught on really quickly. U2的新歌很快就流行起来了。,
- Neil: Today’s new word is "chinwag". Helen: OK Neil, 我们今天要说的新词是什么呢?
- U2's new hit caught on really quickly. U2的新歌很快就流行起来了。
- There is nothing new here,just the same old idea in a new guise. 这里没什么新花样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。
- But what’s new about Evita, John? 为什么要谈论这个话题呢?