- Hawker Control Pilot Scheme 小贩管理试验计划
- This year we are trying a pilot scheme. 今年我们正在试验一个小规模实验性计划。
- He is directing a pilot scheme for training unemployed young people. 为了培训无业青年,他正在指导一个小规模实验生产计划。
- The pilot scheme proved to be a great success. 试点项目被证实非常成功。
- I hope that the hanyu pinyin pilot scheme proves successful. 我当然希望汉语拼音教学法能够成功。
- Me? I hope that the hanyu pinyin pilot scheme proves successful. 我呢?我当然希望汉语拼音教学法能够成功。
- A pilot scheme is being carried out and a second will start shortly. 一项试验计划现正进行,而第二项试验计划也会于短期内展开。
- The pilot scheme will last for a period of time until further notice. 试验计划会维持一段时间直至另行通告。
- A new servovalve using a pressure control pilot state was introduced, which uses two spools instead of single spool in power magnifying stage. 介绍了一种新型的压力先导控制伺服阀,该阀的功率放大级采用双阀芯结构代替传统单阀芯结构。
- He is directing a pilot scheme for training unemployed young people . 他正在指导一个对失业青年进行培训的尝试计划。
- So I am moved to write this commentary by news of the Education Ministry's hanyu pinyin pilot scheme. 我写这篇文章是为了响应教育部试验推行汉语拼音教学计划。
- Hawker Control Operations Review Committee 小贩管理工作检讨委员会
- Staff of Hawker Control Teams inspect licensed fixed-pitch hawker stalls regularly and regulate the operation of itinerant hawkers whenever they are found hawking in the streets. 小贩事务队人员定期巡查持牌固定小贩摊档,并整顿在街头贩卖的流动小贩。
- This shows that the Pilot Scheme has served as a catalyst in promoting fixed rate mortgages in Hong Kong. 这显示试验计划已在市场发挥了催化作用,促进本港定息按揭的发展。
- Five general out-patient clinics are being transferred to the Hospital Authority in 2001-02 under a pilot scheme. 政府在二零零一至零二年度推行试验计划,由医院管理局接办五家普通科门诊诊所。
- I am pleased to note the favourable response to the Pilot Scheme has stimulated the emergence of similar products in the market. 试验计划深受欢迎,已刺激市场推出同类产品。
- The HK$500 million we have allocated for the Pilot Scheme is almost fully committed only half way through the six-month trial period. 试验计划最初所订定的收购按揭总额为五亿港元,为期六个月,但推行仅及一半时间,批出贷款的数额已接近这总额。
- The Trade and Industry Department completed a review of the pilot scheme and considered it to be useful in supporting the development of SMEs. 工业贸易署已完成试验计划的检讨工作,认为该计划有助支持中小企业的发展。
- Government Overseers and Hawker Control Officers Union 政府巡察员及小贩管理主任工会
- Subsequently, Council conveyed to the Administration its views on the pilot scheme. 其后,本局向政府当局表述对试验计划的意见。