- Any of various insects of the family Gryllidae,having long antennae and legs adapted for leaping. The males of many species produce a shrill chirping sound by rubbing the front wings together. 蟋蟀任一种蟋蟀科的昆虫,有擅长跳跃的长触角和腿。多种雄性蟋蟀能通过同时摩擦前翅而发出尖利的唧唧声
- Having long antennae. 有长触角的
- Any of various insects of the family Gryllidae, having long antennae and legs adapted for leaping. The males of many species produce a shrill chirping sound by rubbing the front wings together. 蟋蟀任一种蟋蟀科的昆虫,有擅长跳跃的长触角和腿。多种雄性蟋蟀能通过同时摩擦前翅而发出尖利的唧唧声
- This is just what I have long sought after. 这就是我找寻了很久的东西。
- I have long desired to meet them. 我一直渴望见到他们。
- The low thatched cottages in the country have long gone. 乡下那低矮的茅草屋早已消失得无影无踪了。
- Many ancient cities have long since passed into oblivion. 许多古代的城市早已淹没。
- We have long sympathized with the aims of the Green Party. 我们长期以来一直支持绿党保护生态环境的目标。
- We had long debates at college about politics. 我们上大学时曾长时间地辩论政治问题。
- These slangy words have long fallen out of English. 这些俚语在英语中早就不用了。
- She was slender and had long dark hair. 她身材苗条,有一头长长的黑发。
- Any of several edible marine crustaceans of the family Homaridae, especially of the genus Homarus, having stalked eyes, long antennae, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which is modified into large pincers. 大螯虾螯龙虾科的各种可食海生甲壳类动物,尤指螯龙虾属,有柄眼,长触须和五双腿,第一双腿变异为大钳
- The etymological meaning of the word has long died out. 这个词早已失去了它原来的意思。
- I have long been looking forward to meeting you. 我一直盼望有机会同你见面。
- From my point of view, teachers are not well paid, but they have long holidays. 依我看,虽然教师们薪水不高,但他们有很长的假期。
- In other words, the long antennae help these insects to “smell” what’s going on in their environment. 换句话说,长期帮助这些昆虫触角的“气味”发生了什么事就在自己的环境。
- He has long since been recognized as a great playwright. 他早就被公认为伟大的剧作家了。
- The days of cheap food have long gone past. 食物价格便宜的日子早已过去。
- Bows and arrows have long since been out of use. 弓箭很早以前就没人使用了。
- long-bodied beetle having very long antennae. 天牛科触角非常长的长角牛甲虫。