- Having relatively high density; having a high specific gravity. 比重较大的浓度相对较重的;重力大的。
- Having relatively high density. 稠密的有相对较高的密度的
- SEM and XRD results show that the composite that is hot rolled after vacuum forming,has relatively high density and can avoid being oxidized effectively. 结果表明,采用真空热压后热轧工艺制备的碳纳米管铜基复合材料的致密度较高且能有效地防止被氧化。
- Having relatively high resistance to flow. 粘滞性的对流动有较高抵抗力的
- Dione is made of mostly water ice but its relatively high density indicates that it contains much rock inside. 土卫四主要由冰组成,但是表面的密度相对比较高,这就说明它内部含有一些岩石。
- Satisfactory results are obtained after the Diuron develops to be wettable powder with a relatively high density (50%). 以敌草隆原药及载体为原料研制出了相对高浓度(50%25)的敌草隆可湿性粉剂,产品的田间应用取得了比较满意的效果。
- Retinitis pigmentosa is one hereditary disease that cause blind eyes and have relatively high incidence of disease. 视网膜色素变性是一种遗传性致盲性眼病,发病率较高,危害性较大。
- Egr-1 expression had relatively high level in active growth cells. 组织中生长活跃的细胞可见相对高水平的Egr- 1表达。
- These compounds have relatively high insecticidal activities andwith low levels of resistance. 其结果表明该类化合物对测试害虫显示出较高的杀虫活性和较低的抗性比。
- Photo 14-16 show these atypical squamous cells have relatively higher N/C ratio and involving endocervical glands. 图14-16显示高核/浆比例的非典型性鳞状上皮细胞并累及腺体。
- Attention is focused to the automatic feedwater control at low power in NPP as it has relatively high impacts on the reactor shutdown. 本文针对压水堆核电厂在低功率运行时蒸汽发生器水位控制容易造成停堆的实际情况,提出了蒸汽流量的估算方法,设计了以模糊控制为核心的水位控制器。
- Early fruiting parents, monosporous strains and hybrid strains had relatively high yield while late fruiting ones had relatively low yield. 不论是亲本、单孢菌株还是杂交菌株 ;出菇早的菌株普遍产量较高 ;出菇晚的产量低 .
- (of shoes or boots) having relatively high uppers. (指鞋或者靴)有相对高的鞋帮。
- It is found that the clay remarkably reduces the elastic modular of the concrete and the concrete has relatively high strength and low seepage coefficient. 研究表明,黏粒含量较高的黏土对降低混凝土弹性模量效果显著,并使混凝土具有相对较高的强度和抗渗性能;
- The result showed that isothermally quenched white iron had relatively high hardness and toughness so that it was a kind of economical and practical anti-wear material. 结果表明,等温淬火白口铸铁兼有较高的硬度和韧性,是一种经济实用的抗磨材料。
- So evidence of sustained rapid growth, even into late juvenile and subadult stages, implies that the animals in question had relatively high basal metabolic rates. 所以,即使进入幼年晚期与亚成体阶段,仍持续快速生长的证据,暗示这些动物具有相对高的基础代谢率。
- In spite of some deficiency, it had relatively high academic level in choosing editions, collating words, editing dissipated material and arranging the lists in order. 虽略有不足之处,但在版本选择、文字校勘、资料辑佚和目次编排上都有较高的学术水平。
- Having relatively great height; tall. 高的有较大高度的; 高的
- Metal magnetic powder with fine particles and relative higher coercivity and remanence are ideal materials for high density magnetic recording. 金属磁粉颗粒细小,具有较高的矫顽力和剩磁,是较为理想的高密度磁记录材料。
- Reduced the weight for scroll of cancel sleep that had relatively higher drop rates. 解除睡眠滚动条将依照高掉落比例来降低他的重量。