- It came from work songs sung by black people and had its roots in Africa. 它是从黑人劳动所唱的歌曲演变而来的,它的根在非洲。
- The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma. 恐惧症可能源于童年时期的创伤。
- Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music. 弗拉明科起源于阿拉伯音乐。
- His sense of guilt had its roots in his childhood. 他的罪恶感根源于童年时代。
- Has its roots in the human-factors literature. 源于对人性因素进行阐述的文献之中。
- Jazz probably had its roots in the 19 th century. 爵士乐或许真正源于19世纪。
- Apostasy often has its roots in moral failure. 背教的人通常是先在道德方面一败涂地,
- His unhappiness has its root in his boyhood. 他的不幸起源于他的少年时代。
- His unhappiness has its root in early childhood. 他的不幸源自其幼年时代。
- Have its roots in Africa 起源于非洲
- Ethnobotany has its roots in botany,the study of plants. 人类植物学根源于植物学,是关于植物的研究。
- Traditional music has always had its roots in the spiritual realm. 传统音乐通常会有其在精神领域的根基。
- Black people have their roots in Africa. 黑人起源于非洲。
- The name stems from Lorenz’s suggestion that a massive storm might have its roots in the faraway flapping of a tiny butterfly’s wing. 学会享受自己的人生吧,因为每个人的人生都很美妙,不见得一定要有人欣赏。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。
- Much of conventional medicine has its roots in traditional medicine. 许多常见的药都源自传统药品。
- The severe climate change that may have helped topple the Akkadians probably had its roots in the far-off North Atlantic Ocean. 这场导致了阿卡滇灭亡的严重气候变化源自遥远的北太平洋。
- The idea of "terra forming" Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction. 这种支持者们称为“移居火星”的想法最早出现在科幻小说中。
- The festival,which has its roots in a food fight between childhood friends,is gaining in popularity. 这个节日起源于孩子们之间用食物互相扔掷打闹的习俗,但很快就在成人中间流行起来了。
- In India, mathematics has its roots in Vedic literature which is nearly 4000 years old. 在印度,数学源自于几乎四千年之久的吠陀文献。