- Have chance to training abroad. 有机会到国外培训。
- The children all have chance to go to school. 孩子们都有机会上学
- Do our team still have chance to win the match? 我们队还有希望赢得这场比赛吗?
- If I had chance to Spain, I will try churro. 如果有机会去西班牙,我会尝试油炸饼。
- Each "applicat" has chance to get it....... 咁=唔一定有?.....系抽奖; 定系订购?..........
- That means most of you will have chance to work or training in our HQ or branches. 因此,大多数成绩突出,表现卓越的员工将都有机会被派到美国总部或分布在世界各地的分公司培训或工作。
- I think it a pity that I shall never have chance to see her. 我认为,我再也不会有机回去看她了,真是遗憾。
- She will never let slip a chance to study abroad. 她绝不会错过出国学习的机会。
- Red Star Belgrade are at a further stage in their preparation, but we still have a week to train and this match was a good chance to test our conditions. “贝尔格莱德红星准备得更好,但是我们仍然有一周的时间来训练,这场比赛是对我们的状态一次很好的检验.;”
- She let slip a chance to work abroad. 她错过了出国工作的机会。
- We kept hoping that they would have chance to come to China some day. 我们一直希望,他们什么时候有机会到中国来。
- Members who do voluntary work will have chance to be given bonus points. 会员通过申请义工、志愿者工作机会可以获得奖励积分。
- Have you got any chance to go abroad? 你得到出国的机会了吗?
- He should be have chance to survive, if get him to the hospital in time. 如果遇难者被及时送往医院的话,他本来会有机会活下来的。
- When any of you have chance to come to PNC, please call me and see you again. 我从课程中收获很多,当您有机会来巴布亚新几内亚的时候,请别忘记给我打电话,到时再会!
- I'm very glad to have such a chance to go abroad. 我很高兴有这次出国机会。
- Ancelotti said: 'Those who had the chance to work with Arrigo Sacchi could understand what is needed to train a team. 安切洛蒂说:“在萨基手下踢过球的人都明白怎么训练一只球队。
- We have no chance to meet each other a week hence. 我们今后一星期没有见面的机会了。
- I would be satisfied if I have chances to see movies every week. 只要每星期有电影看,我就满足了。
- A skilled technician takes years to train. 一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。