- 苏联对奥地利政策研究(1938-1955年)A Study of Soviet Policy in Austria, 1938-1955
- 杜亚泉(1873-1933)Du Ya-quan
- 克拉伦斯 - 达罗(1857-1938),是美国的一位律师,他还是演说家,辩论家和杂文作家。Clarence Darrow (1857--1938), American Lawyer, public speaker, debater, and miscellaneous writer.
- 费尔斯通,哈维·塞缪尔1868-1938美国工业家,建立了费尔斯通轮胎和橡胶公司(1900年),首制充气轮胎American industrialist who organized the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company(1900) and first manufactured the balloon tire.
- 威拉·凯瑟(Willa Cather,1873-1947)是美国现代文学史上一位杰出的女作家。Willa Cather (1873-1947) is an outstanding woman writer in the history ofAmerican literature.
- 美国作家威拉·凯瑟 (Willa Cather, 1873--1947)是美国文学史上一位颇有争议的作家。Willa Cather (1873-1947) is a quite controversial figure in American literature.
- 豪斯,爱德华·曼德尔1858-1938美国外交家及伍德罗·威尔逊总统的顾问。美国对于1919年的巴黎和会的筹备工作是由他组织领导的American diplomat and adviser to President Woodrow Wilson. He organized U.S. preparations for the Paris Peace Conference of1919.
- 凯瑟,威拉·锡伯特1873-1947描写边疆开拓生活的美国作家。其小说我们中的一员(1922年)获普利策文学奖American author who wrote about frontier life. Her novel One of Ours(1922) won a Pulitzer Prize.
- 洛伊,奥托1873-1961德裔美籍药理学家。以其在神经脉冲的化学传送方面的研究成果而获1936年诺贝尔奖German - born American pharmacologist.He shared a1936Nobel Prize for work on the chemical transmission of nerve impulses.
- 欧茨,乔伊斯·卡罗尔生于1938美国作家,作品常涉及美国社会的爱情和暴力。她的小说作品中有《尘世之光的花园》(1967年)和《美丽花》(1980年)American writer whose works often concern love and violence in American society. Among her novels are A Garden of Earthly Delights(1967) and Bellefleur(1980).
- 奥利弗,约瑟夫1885?-1938美国爵士乐手和作曲家,对于路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的音乐风格产生极大影响。他的克里奥耳爵士乐队是第一个录制唱片的黑人音乐组American jazz musician and composer who had a great influence on the style of Louis Armstrong. His Creole Jazz Band was the first Black group to make jazz recordings.
- 卡鲁索,恩里科1873-1921意大利歌剧男高音歌唱家,以其有力、纯净和富有感情的声音而被认为是最伟大的歌唱家之一Italian operatic tenor who with his powerful,pure,emotive voice is considered one of the greatest singers ever.
- 基尔希纳,厄恩斯特·路德维希1880-1938德国表现主义艺术家。他的木版画和油画,例如大街(1913年),用鲜明对比的色彩和棱角结构表现出心理紧张和性的渴望。German expressionist artist whose woodcuts and paintings,such as The Street(1913),convey psychological tension and eroticism with sharply contrasting colors and angular forms.
- 卡雷尔,亚历克西斯1873-1944法裔美国外科医生和生物学家。他因在血管扎线和血管及器官移植方面的贡献而获1912年诺贝尔奖。French-born American surgeon and biologist. He won a1912 Nobel Prize for his work on vascular ligature and grafting of blood vessels and organs.
- 卡雷尔,亚历克西斯1873-1944法裔美国外科医生和生物学家。他因在血管扎线和血管及器官移植方面的贡献而获1912年诺贝尔奖French - born American surgeon and biologist.He won a1912Nobel Prize for his work on vascular ligature and grafting of blood vessels and organs.
- 玛尔龙,玛丽1870?-1938美国的一位厨师,是伤寒的免疫带原者,因她不时地换工作,将伤寒病传染给了五十多人。在卫生官员找到她后,她的余生大部分时间是被禁止与人接触的American cook and immune carrier of typhoid fever who while moving from job to job infected more than50people with the disease.After health officials found her, she was institutionalized for much of the rest of her life.
- 贝克尔,卡尔 洛图斯1873-1945美国历史学家,因其对故事情节出色的哲学分析而著名。其著作有我们在民主方面的伟大实验(1924年)American historian noted for his analyses of philosophies in action. His works include Our Great Experiment in Democracy(1924).
- 1859年,约翰 - 斯图尔特 - 穆勒 (1806-1873)发表了被许多人视为英语但语言中关于维护个人自由和个性的最重要、最有说服力的著作。In 1859 John Smart Mill( 1806- 1873) published what many consider the most important and persuasive defense of personal freedom and individuality in the English language.
- 在这部小说以及他的下一部小说《一双湛蓝的秋波》(1873)中,开始显露出深刻的讽刺笔调,这种笔调强有力地贯穿在哈代以后的全部作品中。In this and his next novel,"A pair of Blue Eyes" (1873),begins to show itself that strain of deep irony which is so potent throughout Hardy's writings.
- 贝克,萨拉·约瑟芬1873-1945美国儿科专家和公共健康倡导者,他协助将纽约婴幼儿的死亡率降到了美国任何一个大城市的最低水平American social reformer whose organizational efforts were a major force behind the civil rights movement of the1950's and1960's.