- Hashi Yukio 桥幸夫(1943-),日本人,歌手。
- Not far, Hashi is one of the area. 不远,是哈市的一个区。
- Sun is active, has been done in Hashi fruit business. 孙是外地人,多年来一直在哈市做水果生意。
- It is reported that this is the first of its kind in Hashi. 据悉,这在哈市尚属首次。
- "Chunxue" by Yukio Mishima was called the maximum effort for the masterpiece "The Sea of Fertility" the first series. “春雪”为三岛由纪夫被称为最高杰作的遗作“丰饶之海”系列的第一部。
- The man who will bring the LDP's rule to an end this summer is Hatoyama's grandson, Yukio Hatoyama, leader of the DPJ. 而这个夏天结束LDP执政的人就是鸠山一郎的孙子,DPJ的领袖,鸠山由纪夫。
- "Only a foreigner could make such changes, " says Yukio Noguchi, an economist at the University of Tokyo. 只有外国人才会进行这种变革,东京大学经济学家野口幸雄说。
- Secondly, some critics consider Yukio Mishima’s writing purpose lies in “a reform to the sense of beauty”. 其次,就这部“观念小说”,一般认为作家创作的“明确目的”为“美意识的改革”。
- Over the last few years has been to maintain a stable Hashi prices rise, it can be said that the price is reasonable. 而近几年里哈市房价一直保持了一个平稳上升的趋势,可以说这个涨幅是合理的。
- Relatives who will be sent to the husband and wife duo Hashi medical college hospital for treatment. 闻讯赶来的亲属将夫妻二人送到了哈市医大二院救治。
- Hashi real estate market in recent years have generally maintained a good momentum of steady and healthy. 近年来哈市房地产市场总体上保持了稳定健康的良好势头。
- Even in a large number of Yukio Mishima's works, his artistry has also been very high rating, the translation was spread around the world. 即使在三岛由纪夫为数众多的作品中,其艺术性亦得到极高评价,被世界各国翻译流传。
- Sang WB,Daisuke I,Yukio K,et al.Production of new intergeneric hybrids between raphanus sativus and Brassica wild species[J]. 王国槐;官春云;陈社员;等.;十字花科芸薹属种间杂种营养优势的利用研究[J]
- The "My Hashi" or "My Chopsticks" bra was designed reduce the waste generated by people throwing away their disposable chopsticks. 本周三,日本黛安芬内衣公司推出一款新型文胸,这款文胸的外观看上去像两个分别盛满了米饭和味噌汤的碗,文胸两侧的小口袋可以插一双折叠筷。
- This thesis focuses on the “the beauty of colors and their descriptions” in the analysis of Yukio Mishima’s particular way of writing. 在对“创作手法上的美”的分析中,笔者着重从“色彩及其描写手法之美”这一视点对作品进行了分析。
- In Japan, author Yukio Mishima and two compatriots commit ritualistic suicide after failing to sway public opinion during an unsuccessful coup attempt. 年,日本作家三岛由纪夫在政变失败后,同两名同胞剖腹自尽。
- Hashi will be a reader Mr.Zhao idle rent to the one pair of working couples living in Kazakhstan, they paid a year rent. 哈市读者赵先生将一套闲置房租给了一对来哈打工的夫妇居住,他们预付了一年租金。
- Hashi AIDS in the small and medium-sized crowd of well-known "heart to heart Harbin infected family-friendly" members of the now has more than 60. 在哈市艾滋病人群中小有名气的“哈尔滨心连心感染者关爱之家”,如今成员已经有60多人。
- Japan's parliament has elected Yukio Hatoyama prime minister, handing power to an untested government that faces tough economic and social challenges. 日本议会选举鸠山由纪夫为新首相,将权力传授给一个未经任何磨练并面临严峻经济、社会问题的新政府。
- The document adopted, institutionally guarantee the healthy and orderly development Hashi real estate development market. 该文件的出台,从制度上保证了哈市房地产开发市场健康有序发展。