- How has he come on these last few months? 最近几个月他情况怎样?
- Has he come it? 他带钱出来了吗?
- Aksinya picked him up and brought him along... The accursed devil.... And where has he come from for my undoing! 阿克辛尼雅不知从什么地方把他带来了,。该死的魔鬼。。他不知从哪儿跑到这儿来,缠住了我!
- He comes it strong, when once you get him to speak about it. 你只要逗他讲起这个问题,他才慷慨激昂呢。
- Why, with such rank in the learned world, had he come hither? 他既然在学术界地位如此之高,为什么要到这里来呢?
- Has he been trying it on again? I hope you took no notice. 他是不是又在耍花招?我希望你没搭理他。
- If he come back and says that again I'm going to let him have it! 如果他回来再提那事,我要痛骂他一顿!
- Has he given back the tools he borrowed from you? 他向你借的那些工具归还了没有?
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- It is equal to me whether he comes or not. 他来不来对我都一样。
- Many a time has he given me good advice. 好些次他给我提了中肯的意见。
- It is all one to me whether he comes or not. 他来不来对我来说都无所谓。
- He come home with two brace of rabbit in the bag. 他带著装有两对野兔的猎袋回家来了。
- Since when has he been absent from school? 她从什么时候起不来上学的?
- Many times has he tried that method. 那种方法他已经试验许多次了。
- It was not until he came that I left. 直到他来我才离开。
- He come into the room with an air of importance. 他带著一副了不起的神情走进室内。
- He has been pile with work since he came here. 自从来这儿以后他一直有做不完的工作。
- Not until eleven o'clock did he come home. 他到十一点才回家。
- He still remains immature and petulant, has he not learnt a thing since he came to United??!! 他还是如此的不成熟,使小性子,难道从来到老特拉福德以后,他就没有学会一点东西么?