- Harvesting quota management 采伐限额管理
- Meanwhile, we should wide more self-support power to production companies, reduce active quota for export types, and reform quota management and inviting public bidding measures. 与此同时,我们要进一步扩大生产企业的自营出口权,减少出口商品主动配额的品种,改革配额管理和招标办法。
- This article introduces how to analyze and design a power enterprise quota management information system based on B/S using the prototyping method. 本文介绍了使用原型化系统开发方法 ,设计和实现了基于B/S模式的电力企业指标管理信息系统
- At the same time, we must expand production enterprise's power for independent exporting and reform the quota management and tender methods. (与此同时,我们要进一步扩大生产企业的自营出口权,改革配额管理和招标办法。)
- Foreign goods(except for the export quotas for the management of the passive)in the bonded port inspection exempt permit,and can be exempted from export quota management. 境外货物(除实行出口被动配额管理的外)进出保税港区免验许可证,免出口配额管理。
- management by objectives; quota management 目标管理
- Discussion about Technique of Sampling Plot for Forest Harvesting Quota 森林采伐限额检查抽样技术探讨
- Keywords material consume;ration;quota management; 关键词物资消耗;定额;限额管理;
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- Enhancing production quota management and increasing company profit 加强生产定额管理,提高企业经济效益
- Practising on Quota Management of the Material Consumption 物资消耗定额管理的实践
- The research yielded a rich harvest. 该项研究有了丰硕的成果。
- We are still a little shy of our quota. 我们离完成定额还差一点点。
- Discussion on Quota Management of Business Office Staffs 企业科室人员定额管理的探讨
- The bad harvest led to severe food shortage. 歉收引起食物严重短缺。
- We have a plenteous harvest this year. 我们今年取得了大丰收。
- The quota on import cars has been lifted. 对汽车的进口配额已被取消。
- The harvest has been safely gathered in. 庄稼已妥善收获完毕。
- The peasants are harvesting rice in the field. 农民们正在田野里收割稻子。
- Each has his quota of work for the day. 每个人的工作日都有定额。