- Harada Takeo 原田武夫(1971-),日本人,外交官。
- Harada got champ for the first time in 9th challenge. 原田悟参加了九次;第一次获冠军.
- Asano Takeo Nagashima Rei Ishikawa Kyozo Fuyuki Taiz. 主演: Kokuten Kodo 月形龙之介 Saburo Sawai Shinjir.
- Two hundred years of family tradition led Hibino Takeo into Chinese studies. 二百年家学渊源,导引日比野走入汉学研究。
- Please takeo ote that we have recently removed to the above address. 我公司最近已迁到上述地址,特此通告。
- Harada Takumi, an aloof junior high school boy who has a great arm, meets Nagakura Go, who can catch Takumi's fastball. 原田巧,一个超然初中男孩谁有一个巨大的手臂,符合长仓去吧,谁可以赶上匠的直线球。
- Takeo Miki is Japan's Mr Clean--in contrast to his predecessor who was brought down by corruption. 三木武夫和他因腐败下台的前任相比,可谓日本的“纯洁先生”。
- Takeo Miki is Japan's Mr Clean - - in contrast to his predecessor who was brought down by corruption. 三木武夫和他因腐败下台的前任相比,可谓日本的“纯洁先生”。
- As university president, Hibino Takeo still supervises students' graduation theses, a rarity in Japan. 身为校长,日比野仍指导学生毕业论文,这在日本并不多见。
- Ken Harada takes photos for newspapers. But life gets dangerous when Ken takes a photo of a sumo star. Someone wants the photo badly. But who? And why? 肯以替报社摄影维生。但在他替一位著名的相扑选手拍照后,他的生命顿时变得岌岌可危。有人想要抢夺这名相扑选手的照片。为什麽?
- When Takeo and Kaede first meet, they are drawn to each other, and without speaking a word, fall in love. 自面世以来,不断再版,深受欢迎,成为中国人了解中国通史的首选书籍,在青年学子中更几乎人手一册。
- Harada appeals to traditon. " There should be some preservation of time-honored culture based on kindness and dependence, not just a rush to rip down the old system," he says. 原田是力倡传统方式的,他认为:"对于那些建立在友善与自立基础上并经过时间检验的文化应该有所保留,而不是不加考虑地完全推翻。
- Takeo many wonderful women in the Tour's contacts, mutual understanding, and finally forged a For Life. 许多健男妙女在游方的接触中,相互认识、了解,最后结下了终身伴侣。
- Harada H.Stability Criteria and Evaluation of Steering Maneuver in "Driver-Vehicle Systems"[J].JSME International Journal.Series C.,Vol.37,1994 (1). 尹念东.;汽车-驾驶员-环境闭环系统操纵稳定性虚拟试验技术的研究[D]
- Aso will use the former Ministry of Education and Science with Kawamura Takeo Renguan the Housing Executive. 在这样的地方活动,吸入了大量的有害物质,健身房里的一些粉尘容易引起过敏性疾病。
- Although has excellent flight harada, but naturally unsmiling, to accept the co-pilot assessment is very strict, each tiny place. 原田虽然有着过硬的飞行技术,但天生不苟言笑,对于接受考核的副驾驶员也非常严格,每个细小的地方都不放过。
- I n Takeo they use rain water as the water sources in their daily lives, both for bathing and drinking. 在茶胶省这个地方,他们在日常生活中使用雨水来当作他们的水资源,包括喝水和洗澡。
- Chief Japanese Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura says the council is likely to approve an interception attempt. 日本、美国和韩国都表示,如果北韩发射火箭,他们一定会寻求联合国对北韩采取新的制裁措施。
- Harada appeals to traditon. " There should be some preservation of time-honored culture based on kindness and dependence,not just a rush to rip down the old system," he says. 原田是力倡传统方式的,他认为:"对于那些建立在友善与自立基础上并经过时间检验的文化应该有所保留,而不是不加考虑地完全推翻。
- Kun s-ro Harada la eminenta personulo el Japanio, mi intimigxis jam je la unuafoja ekkonatigxo kaj poste, en la tempo milit-kaosa, li donis al mi multfoje favorajn prizorgojn. “原田先生,东瀛名士也。一见相倾。而在干戈扰扰之秋,频承照顾。今闻将溯江西上,赋赠七绝二章录尘大吟坛斧政。