- Happy tights? On your teeth? “幸福紧身衣?在你的牙上?
- Don't forget to brush your teeth and put on your pajamas before you go to bed. 睡前勿忘了刷牙和穿上睡衣。
- Are you actually aware of yourself in a room, holding a small brush, feeling the sensation on your teeth? 你是真正察觉自己在一个房间里,手握一支小牙刷,(情感上)感觉到牙齿(感官上)的感觉?
- First wash your face after rising, and next brush your teeth very well. After you go to the toilet, use water and soap on your hands. 早晨一定要洗脸漱口。大小便完后,要洗手。
- Also, some foods such as celery, apples, pears and carrots trigger lots of saliva -- which helps to scrub away stains on your teeth. 此外,某些食物,如芹菜,苹果,梨和胡萝卜能促进分泌大量的唾液-这有助于洗刷牙齿上的污渍。
- Inside was a box with happy tights written on the top. 里面是一个上面写着快乐紧身衣的盒子。
- There is a task for you to cut your teeth on. 这有个任务可以使你增加经验。
- Don't neglect to brush your teeth. 不要忘了刷牙。
- You eat too much candy. It's bad for your teeth. 你糖吃得太多了。这对你的牙齿不好。
- Mum said I'd lost my appetite, not my happy tights! 妈妈总说我食欲不好,而不提我的快乐紧身衣!
- Have another drink. It'll put hairs on your chest. 再来一杯,它会使你有男子汉气魄。
- I had thought happy tights would make me happy. 我觉得快乐紧身衣会使我快乐。
- The mechanic was at work on your bicycle then. 当时修理工在修理你的自行车。
- I had to show Suzie some happy tights. 我必须给苏西看看快乐紧身衣。
- And you, how on earth did your teeth get so long? 那您呢,您怎么会有这么长的牙齿呢?
- These are my happy tights,@ said Grandpa. “这是我的快乐紧身衣。”祖父说。
- Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine? 你以旧缝纫机折价换新合算吗?
- These weren't my lost happy tights. 这些不是我丢了的快乐紧身衣。
- Stealing reflects dishonour on your family. 偷窃行为会使家人蒙羞。
- I tried to explain to him my happy tights story. 我想向他解释一下我快乐紧身衣的故事。