- He was in favour of the declaration of a truce. 他赞成宣布停战。
- Hanoi Declaration 河内宣言
- These events led to the declaration of war. 这些事件导致了宣战。
- He made a declaration to the effect that he would soon resign. 他发表一项声明,大意是他将很快辞职。
- In Ada, a process that makes declaration to be effect. 在Ada语言中,一种使说明成为有效的过程。
- They managed to raise Hanoi last night. 他们昨晚试图与河内建立无线电联系。
- A Vietnamese flower vendor sorts roses in Hanoi. 河内一名越南卖花小贩正在拣选玫瑰。
- Example of the Tower of Hanoi game/algorithm. 这个例子演示了汉若塔游戏其及算法。
- Vietnamese flower vendor sorts roses in Hanoi. 河内一名越南卖花小贩正在拣选玫瑰。
- He remains hospitalized in Hanoi and is recovering. 他仍然在河内医院接受治疗,正在恢复。
- She read the declaration aloud pro bono publico. 为了大家的便利,她将宣言高声读了一遍。
- I drove into Hanoi with strange detachment. 车子开进河内市区时,我有一种奇特的超脱感觉。
- Hanoi Waterman Pure Drinking Factory. 河内船夫纯净的饮用的工厂。
- He is in favour of the declaration of a truce. 他赞成宣布停战。
- Dia Hoang Phu Co is located in Hanoi, Vietnam. 迪亚晃富公司设在越南首都河内。
- Zhang soft, Hebei Dingxingxian Hanoi Liren. 张柔,河北定兴县河内里人。
- You are to forward a declaration to take action. 你们应该提交诉状才能起诉。
- Your passport and declaration card, please. 请出示护照和申报单。
- Will you fill out this customs declaration form? 请你填写这份关税申报单好吗?
- Will you please show me your declaration form? 请出示您的申报表。