- Handling New or Removed Fields 新建或删除字段的处理
- To add or remove fields from the content Document Information Panel by adding new fields to the content type schema, you must add or remove columns from the content type. 若要通过将新字段添加到内容类型架构以在内容文档信息面板中添加或删除字段,则必须从内容类型中添加或删除栏。
- To add or remove fields to determine the way the contact information is saved in the new imported file, click Map Custom Fields. 要添加或删除字段以确定联系人信息在新导入的文件中的保存方式,请单击“映射自定义字段”。
- To add or remove fields from the Document Information Panel by adding new fields to the content type schema, you must add or remove columns from the content type. 若要通过向内容类型架构中添加新域,从而在文档信息面板中添加或删除域,则必须从内容类型中添加或删除列。
- A new or recently revised edition of input data. 输入数据的新的或最近校对过的“版本”。
- The objects may be customized by changing field sizes, adding or removing fields, adding or removing tabs, and rearranging fields. 可以通过改变字段大小、添加或删除字段、添加或删除选项卡以及重排字段来自定义对象。
- Charge may be given to or removed from a substance. 电荷可以充入一物质也可以从中移去。
- She has a deep mistrust of anything new or strange. 她对任何新奇事物皆十分怀疑.
- Having a string or strings loosened or removed. 有一根或数根弦(或线)被松动或取走的
- Share a new or existing folder on your server. 共享服务器上已有的或新的文件夹。
- Did he buy his car new or second-hand? 他买的那辆车是新车还是二手的?
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活动桌面桌子上部有铰链连接或可移动的部分
- Did you buy your car new or second hand? 你买的汽车是新的还是旧的?
- Gypsum and halite are simply thinned or removed altogether. 石膏与岩盐则逐渐变薄或完全被溶解掉。
- Did you buy your car new or second-hand? 你买的汽车是新的还是旧的?
- Choose New or Open to display a code file. 选择“新建”或“打开”以显示代码文件。
- Tuning small set of new or ad hoc queries. 优化小型新查询或即席查询集。
- Away from a main road or course; distant or removed. 远离大路的,偏僻的离开大道或主路的; 远离的或偏僻的
- Selecting trainers new or proven Aircraft? 为训练者选择新型飞机?
- Did you buyyour car new or second-hand? 你买的汽车是新的还是旧的?