- Handbook of Military Forces 军队手册
- The ultimatum contained the threat of military force. 这份最后通牒含有武力威胁。
- And those kinds of implications go throughout the use of military forces. 诸如此类的影响在军事力量的运用中比比皆是。
- The military intelligence agency means multiplying the effectiveness of military forces deployed for operations. 军事情报机构的目的是提高部队的作战效能。
- I bought a handbook of English grammar last week. 上星期我买了一本英文文法手册。
- With the strengthening of the economic and military forces of the Han Dynasty, the policy of appeasement was replaced by one of military pacification. 到汉武帝时,便放弃了和亲政策,对匈奴采取了攻势。
- China and the former Soviet Union signed an Agreement on Principles Governing the Mutual Reduction of Military Forces and the Enhancement of Confidence in the Military Field in the Border Areas. 中国与前苏联签署了《在边境地区相互裁减军事力量和加强军事领域信任的指导原则协定》。
- Teacher Yu has a handbook of physics. 于老师有一本物理手册。
- Soon tired of the constraint of military life. 很快厌倦了军事生活的约束
- A Handbook of General Psychology. 普通心理学手册
- The indiscriminate utilization of military force can only land the world in greater instability. 滥用武力只会使世界更不安宁。
- Handbook of building construction materials II. 建筑工程材料手册2。
- It was an unashamed display of military force, involving tanks, fighter jets and more than 3,000 soldiers. 这是军事力量的公开展示,涉及坦克、战斗机,以及3千多位士兵。
- Handbook of fat-or oil-bearing plants of China. 中国油脂植物手册。
- I am closing my fifty-two years of military service. 我将结束我五十二年的军旅生涯。
- Handbook of index to world ports II. 世界港口索引手册2。
- I think we should immediately notify the cover of military force to move shanty Sun 50th division headquarters closer pilots. 我认为应立即通知各部队掩护军部向前孙家窝棚第五十师师部靠拢。”
- Handbook of project management II. 项目管理手册2。
- The country is governed by a group of military leaders. 该国被一群军事领导人所统治。