- Han and Tang dynasties lengthways,and Japan breadthwise. 纵向汉唐,横向日本。
- Han and Tang Period 汉唐时期
- The country was hence formed, and was passed down to Han and Tang Dynasties. 乃成国家,传之汉唐。
- It originated from early Qin period, developed initially during Han and Tang dynasties and promoted enormously in modern times. 汉民族凝聚力发端于先秦,初步发展于汉唐,提升于宋元明清,升华于近现代。
- During the Sui and Tang periods (581-907), more examples were available. 到元明清时期,“别人”已在口语中取代了“他人”的位置。
- In this respect, we have valuable historical experience from the Han and Tang Dynasties. 中国的汉唐时代,都曾在这方面留下了宝贵的历史经验
- Xi'an, then named Chang'an, was the starting point of the Silk Road in Han and Tang times. 西安在汉、唐代称为长安,是丝绸之路的起点。
- Therefore, the Huaibei area has become one of the economic centers in the country during the Sui and Tang period. 隋唐时期的淮北因之成为全国的经济重心之一。
- To the Han and Tang, doubt about history detection of forgeries of the wind is flourishing. 到了汉唐,疑古辨伪之风更是勃兴。
- As long as the Han and Tang Dynasties operating Tea, Tea Jian kilns, Tan Yi tea, teapots. 只要经营汉唐茶具,建窑茶具,檀艺茶具,茶壶。
- The Han and Tang Dynasty were both an age of economic prosperity and also one of flourishing international exchanges. 汉、唐时期,既是经济繁荣的盛世,也是中外交流的盛世。
- As a result, many musical dances came through the desert to the imperial courts of the Han and Tang dynasties and then to inland areas of China. 之后,当时西域(今新疆一带)各地方政权的各种乐舞,才得以经越沙漠瀚海,处处绿洲,先后传入汉、唐各代宫廷并流入内地民间
- He is a avid reader of classical poetry, a collector of Han and Tang pottery and porcelain of the Song Dynasty, a lover of all that is weird and fantastical in folklore. 他喜欢读古典文学中的诗词,志异小说,喜欢收藏那些汉唐的陶器,宋元的瓷器,喜欢道场庙画,而在所有的民间传说中他又最喜欢那些精灵古怪的故事。
- As a famous tourist spot of China,Huaqing Pool in Lintong is rich in historical and cultural resources with the focus of Emperor bathing culture in Han and Tang Dynasties. 作为闻名全国的旅游景点,临潼华清池有着内涵丰富的历史文化资源,该资源的主体是周秦汉唐时期的帝王沐浴文化。
- The part"s conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang period attributed to Sui and Tang society and monastic oneself etc, it was an inevitable direction of development of Buddhism in China. 隋唐时期僧尼的角色冲突,是隋唐社会及僧尼自身等多种因素综合作用的结果,是佛教在中国发展的必然趋势。
- The company, located in history and cultures with the reputation of the Ancient Capital of Han and Tang Dynasties,Brighr Pearl of Huaihai,is very superior in its geographical position and convenient transportation. 公司拥有固定资产1亿多元,占地面积5.;8万平方米,坐落于素有“汉唐古都、淮海明珠”美誉的历史文化名城泰州市台商工业园区,地理位置及运输条件十分优越。
- Xumishan Cave, that is located in Guyuan, is the important place in the eastern end of the Silk Road in Han and Tang Dynasties.It is a "melting pot" for different cultures in the area. 摘要须弥山石窟所在地固原,是汉唐丝绸之路东段北道要驿,该处民族杂居,提供了吸收不同文化的基础。
- It germinated in the Pre-qin, develops in two Han Dynasties, maturesd between the latter part of Han and Wei and Jin Dynasties, and prospered in Sui and Tang Dynasties and later on. 它萌芽于先秦,发展于两汉,成熟于汉末魏晋之际,兴盛于隋唐及其后。
- Luoyang in the Han and Tang Dynasty 汉唐洛阳
- the memory of the Han and Tang Dynasty 汉唐记忆