- Han and Jin dynasty tomb 汉晋墓葬
- Between Han and Jin dynasty, the general mood of major families and scholars violent change, they gradually advocate “natural and unconventionality”. 汉晋之间,世风与士风剧变,渐尚“通侻”。究其原因,与曹魏统治者之身体力行及其政策不无关系。
- During the Han and Jin Dynasties, the Fu(傅)family of Beidi(北地)was a rather active aristocratic clan in the north. 摘要北地傅氏家族是汉末至西晋时期相当活跃的一支北方大族。
- It germinated in the Pre-qin, develops in two Han Dynasties, maturesd between the latter part of Han and Wei and Jin Dynasties, and prospered in Sui and Tang Dynasties and later on. 它萌芽于先秦,发展于两汉,成熟于汉末魏晋之际,兴盛于隋唐及其后。
- The Spring and Autumn of the Han and Jin Dynasties 汉晋春秋
- The Devastating Misinterpretation of Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasty to the Scripture of East Han and West Han Dynasty 魏晋玄学对两汉经学的破坏性误读
- Jin Dynasty tomb 14, brick wood structure, and shape for the stage show figurines for the study of the history of Chinese drama provides a reliable corroboration. 金代墓室十四座,砖雕仿木结构,造形为舞台戏俑,为研究中国戏剧史提供了可靠佐证。
- Han and Jin Dynasty 汉晋时期
- Room names and literary names were infrequent in the Han dynasty, but pyramided in the Wei and Jin dynasty, and prevailed in the Ming and Qing dynasty. 汉代以前颇为罕见,魏晋以后逐渐增多,到明清更为盛行。
- The Six dynasties tomb is rock pit with stone chamber, yielded celadon bowls, bronze Wuzhu coins, and iron scrapers, and dated to the Jin dynasty. 六朝墓为岩坑石椁券顶墓,墓内残存的青瓷钵、铜五铢钱、铁削刀等表明其年代当属晋代;
- Women's keeping unmarried after widowed and remarrying in the Han and Jin Dynasties 汉晋时期妇女的守节与再嫁
- On the Two Changes of Poems on Hermit in the Han and Jin Dynasties and It's Cultural Reasons 论汉晋招隐诗的两次复变及文化动因
- On the Changes of Female Spiritual Style and Features and Its Connection with the Fashion of Scholar between the Han and Jin Dynasties 汉晋之际妇女精神风貌的转变及其与士风的关系
- The Traditions of Condolence on Qu Yuan and Ode to Li Sao and the Change of Thoughts of Literati and officialdom in Han and Jin Dynasties 吊屈咏骚传统与汉晋文人士大夫心态变异
- This class originated from sophist, formed a social class in Han Dynasty, developed and strengthened in Wei and Jin Dynasties. “文士”一词的出现及涵义的变换也正是古代侍从文人这一社会阶层的产生、变化和发展壮大历史过程的印证。
- During Wei and Jin dynasty, Zhulin Literati chose the surpassing as the way of balancing their heart under great suffering and heavy blowing. 摘要魏晋之际,以嵇康和阮籍为代表的竹林名士,在现实苦难、精神失落等多重打击之下选择超越作为平衡内心的手段。
- According to research, Yuwang city that is the Spring and Autumn when the Wei State eup City, is also the Qin, Han and Jin at the time of the Hedongjun zhi . 据考证,禹王城即春秋战国时的魏国国都安邑城,也是秦、汉及晋时的河东郡治所。
- The archaeologist found a jade dress in a Han Dynasty tomb. 考古人员在一座汉墓中发现一件金缕玉衣。
- Influenced by the Kilos in the north, the Meiping in the Liao, Western Xia, and Jin Dynasty is tall and slender. 辽、西夏及金代梅瓶均受北宋北方窑的影响,具有形体挺拔修长的特点。
- Han and Jin Dynasties 汉晋