- The Han period produced China's most famous historian, Sima Qian ( 145-87 B.C.), whose Shiji ( Historical Records) provides a detailed chronicle from the time of a legendary Xia emperor to that of the Han emperor Wu Di ( 141-87 B.C.). 汉代造就了中国最伟大的史学家-司马迁(公元前145-公元前87),他的《史记》采用编年史的形式,详细地介绍了从传说中的夏帝一直到汉武帝这一段时期的历史。
- The Han Emperor Wu Di offered sacrifices at the site in 205 BC, and the Kong Miao continued to be patronized by various emperors across the centuries. 汉武帝于公元前205年首次在该庙献祭,此后的数百年间孔庙不断地得到各位帝王们的资助。
- Han Emperor Wu-- di 汉武帝
- It is believed that Yuanxiao is named after a palace maid, Yuanxiao, of Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty. 节日的夜晚,明月之下,人们点起彩灯万盏,或赏圆月或观舞龙,喜猜灯谜,燃放烟火。
- Zhang Qian the second put through the Western Regions reach dark grandson, dark king Sun give dozens of horses to Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty. 张骞第二次通西域到乌孙,乌孙王就送了几十匹马给汉武帝。
- Han Emperor Wu 汉武帝
- He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. 他要求汉宣帝帮助他回去。
- Though forbidden by Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, Mohism was exerting its influences all the way in the 2000-plus years of feudal society. 摘要墨家思想虽遭汉武帝废黜,但在两千多年封建社会中并未绝其影响。
- In the reign of Emperor Wu of Han (140-87 BC), the Music Conservatory was given a great deal of attention, and its work flourished. 乐府在汉武帝时(前140-前87)受到格外重视,也得到了很大发展、
- Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty carried out a policy of proscribing all non-Confucian schools of thought and espousing Confucianism as the orthodox state ideology. 汉武帝推行罢黜百家,独尊儒术的政策。
- The Chinese Silk Road was constructed under the western Han Emperor Wudi. 中国的丝绸之路是汉武帝在位时开辟的。
- From the time of Emperor Wu, the Music Conservatory grew by leaps and bounds. 从汉武帝时开始,乐府越末越庞大,
- When he learned this place was the well-known Maotai Town, Qianlong became very excited about tasting the liquor so called “sweet, pure and beautiful” by “Emperor Wu” of the Han Dynasty. 当得知所到之处就是闻名天下的益镇(今茅台镇)时,乾隆兴致大增,想亲口品尝杯汉武帝称之为“甘之美”的枸酱酒。
- Ming upstairs tombstone, with Manchu, Mongolian, Han Emperor Temple name engraved text. 明楼上有墓碑,用满、蒙、汉文字刻着皇帝的庙号。
- The dancers gathered in one group again in the last part to pay tribute to Emperor Wu. 第六段舞队重新集合,列队向武王致敬。
- Huhanxie minister and discuss the results with the determination of the Han dynasty, and, personally took down an audience with the Ministry of the Han Emperor. 呼韩邪和大臣商量结果,决心跟汉朝和好,亲自带着部下来朝见汉宣帝。
- The dance "Dawu" was composed by the Duke of Zhou after Emperor Wu successfully overthrew the Shang Dynasty. 周乐《大武》,是武王伐纣胜利后由周公创编的
- Jizhou Hengshui Lake is located in the south bank of the Han emperor ancient city was built in six years (201 BC), the history of "the world is sub-Kyushu, Jizhou headed by" of. 位于衡水湖南岸的冀州古城建于汉高祖六年(公元前201年),史有“天下分九州,冀州为首”之称。
- D. 428, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty ordered Peisongzhi to make notes for Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms. 元嘉五年(428年),宋文帝下诏命裴氏注《三国志》,上呈,文帝赞其为不朽之作。
- Chaling, because the Chinese ancestor of Yandi Shennong “Collapse of the tail buried in tea” and named after the Han emperor for five years (BC 202) home county. 茶陵,因中华民族始祖炎帝神农氏“崩葬于茶乡之尾”而得名,汉高祖五年(公元前202年)置县。