- Bury your head in eternal shame you Han Chinese. 汉人,把你的头埋在永恒的耻辱里吧。
- Daza burning抢Han Chinese, is your ability? 给人卖了还帮人数钱。
- There're over fifty minorities besides the Han Chinese. 除汉族以外,有五十多个少数民族。
- Jilin is inhabited by Han Chinese, Manchus, Hui, Mongols and Xibe. 吉林省是汉族,满族,回族,蒙古族和鲜卑族的聚集地。
- I'm Han Chinese and I've been to the East Turkistan Uighur region. 本人是汉人,去过东突厥斯坦维吾尔地区。
- The other 92% are Han Chinese, who dominate the central government. 其余92%25都是汉族人,他们控制着中央政府。
- What can the Han Chinese produce to solicited support from the Tibetans? 汉人还有甚麽可以凭借来招揽到藏人支持他们的统治?
- Hotels refuse them rooms and Han Chinese mutter about “separatists”. 旅馆拒绝他们入住,汉人咕咕哝哝说他们是“分裂分子”。
- Of course many ethnic Han Chinese and Huis fled as soon as this broke out. 当然很多汉族和回族在事件爆发时都逃跑了。
- LINHE, like most cities in Inner Mongolia, is mainly populated by Han Chinese. 临河如同内蒙古许多其他城市一样,居民大多是汉人。
- The Han Chinese engaged in the killing (in Shaoguan) are very cruel. 那些杀人的汉人,在这次冲突中表现得非常残忍。
- For the Han Chinese, donors were required to have at least three of four Han Chinese grandparents. 中国汉族样品的捐赠者要求四个祖父母中至少三个是中国汉族人。
- The majority Han Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge on the Laba Festival. 大多汉人很早就有了在腊八节吃腊八粥的习俗。
- Taiwan's ethnic groups mainly include two categories: aborigines and Han Chinese. 摘要台湾的族群主要包括原住民与汉族。
- But many young people drink alcohol and dress as fashionably as do their Han Chinese counterparts. 但是许多年轻人开始喝烈酒,穿着上和其他汉族同龄人一样时髦。
- The Han Chinese need lebensraum and they are driving the Uigurs out and taking their jobs. 汉族人需要生存空间,他们就把维族人赶走并抢走他们的工作。
- Tibetan activists said an influx of Han Chinese from other provinces is threatening their ancient culture. 西藏活动分子认为来自各省的大批汉人流入西藏威胁了他们古老的文化。
- Conclusion A25G and G39A substitutions in the AACT gene are probably one of the risk factors to AD in Han Chinese. 结论 AACT基因的A25G和G39A替换很可能是汉人AD的危险因素之一。
- Here in China, people understood the women were Han Chinese, victims of an attack by rioting ethnic Uighurs. 在中国,人们明白这两个女人是汉族人,是一波维吾尔族暴徒袭击的受害者。
- The party boss Li Zhi blamed the riots on groups within the Muslim Uigur and Han Chinese communities. 栗智对穆斯林维吾尔族和汉人社区之间的冲突进行谴责。