- Fuzhou Hao Han Kang Ti Equipment Co., Ltd. 福州浩瀚康体器材有限公司。
- Hsu Hao [703-782] 徐浩
- The River Han flows through Wuhan. 汉水穿过武汉奔流。
- The key to this question lies in overcoming Han chauvinism. 解决这个问题的关键是克服大汉族主义。
- His maiden attempt at writing was in 1931. 他初次尝试写作是在1931年。
- Tao Tianyue was born in Anhui province in 1931. 陶天月,一九三一年生,安徽人。
- Professor Rorty was born in New York City in 1931. 罗蒂教授于1931年出生在纽约城。
- "Jane Addams won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. 简-亚当斯于1931年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
- Dr. James Soong, GIO Director-General, pictured with "new wave" directors from Hong Kong. From left are: Hsu Ke, Huang Hua-chi, Tan Chia-min, Dr. Soong, Hsu An-hua and Yen Hao. 图1:新闻局局长宋楚瑜在金马奖欢迎茶会中与返国举行作品观摩的香港新锐导演合影(左起:徐克、黄华麒、谭家明、宋局长、许鞍华与严浩)。
- The trams were phased out in 1931. 有轨电车在1931年会被逐步淘汰。
- "Hsu Man-li," she said, on the spur of the moment. “是徐曼丽叫我来的哟
- Nevada legalized gambling in 1931. 1931年,内华达州将赌博合法化。
- Who are you? Who's that boy? I'm wang zhi hao. 你是谁?哪个男孩是谁?我是王智昊。
- But now he and Han Dan cried with unbridled joy. 但这一次,他和韩丹无拘无束快乐地叫了起来。
- Gibran died in New York on April 10, 1931. 纪伯伦于1931年4月10日死于纽约。
- Hao Tian jumps higher than Lu Li! 浩天比陆立跳得还高!
- Hsu Chi has endorsed the famous brand of make-up. 舒淇帮这个知名的化妆品品牌代言。
- He was knighted in 1914 and ennobled in 1931. 1914年受封为爵士,1931年成为贵族。
- Shall we go fishing today, Hao Tian? 浩天,我们今天去钓鱼吧。
- Minfang Hsu play Chopin Sonata No.2 4st mov. 台湾徐敏芳演奏萧邦:第二号钢琴奏鸣曲,...